Chapter One- What a JERK!

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Hey! this is a new story and I really hope it gets somewhere so please let me know what you think, comment, fan, vote! please. If you read my stories and want me to read yours just let me know. I wouldn't care a bit too.

Chapter One- What a JERK!

Kristens P.O.V 

"JERK!" ugh can you believe this ass. I exhaled loud. Expressing my frustration.

"Man Kristen you're a bitch, watch it next time!" he began to ruffle his hand through his thick black hair. As soon as his hand left his hair, it went straight back up to the waves that it once was. His eyes focused on mine. They were emerald, a soul piercing green. Eyes you couldn't unlock from.

"I may be a bitch, but I don't quite like it coming from an ASS like you!" I began to bend down and pick up my books and papers that were everywhere in the hall way.

As I picked my papers up he was still standing there like an idiot, not helping one freaking bit. Ugh what a damn jerk. I swear. I stood back up and began to turn around and walk off as I screamed "Fagget".

"Your such a f***** wh-" he began to yell, as I quickly snapped back wards to look into his eyes.

" You better not finish that, Jacob!" Aw man if he finished that word I was going to go nuts on him.

"WHOORRREEEE" making the word longer than it should have been, and really loud to where everyone in the hall way was looking at us.

"UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" before I knew it I was running towards him, he wasn't far from me and I didn't weight that much at all but with the anger he just unleashed in me and the haterid I had for him, I knocked his tall, muscular body to the ground. My legs were straddled on his body, one leg on each side. I started to hit him the face. Hitting him twice in the eye, then he had his strong, huge arms on mine holding me back screaming at me " K, get off me, K your being crazy! GET OFF ME NOW!" I was PISSED what the hell did he exspect. I may be a bitch, but one thing was certain I was NO WHORE!. I hadn't lost my damn cherry for god's sake. Whoahh wait a minute did he just call me K? He Hasn't called me K since we was kids.

Next thing I know, John and Blake were grabbing me and pulling me off of Jacob. Of course leave it to his buddy's to save his neck. Blake held me against the lockers, so fagget boy could get up and shake himself off. His hands began to move towards his eye, which by the way was BLACK. Man did he look pissed now.

"You know what Kristen, f*** you!" He began to walk off and everyone I mean everyone was looking at me. Well I would've too, I was only 5'4 and weighed a total of 110lbs. I wasn't very big, but I was mean when I had to be. No one pushes me around. I slowly began to slide down the lockers, my back against them. I sit my bum on the cold floor as everyone began to move into class rooms. The bell rang. I just sat there speechless, thinking...


I was walking out of the class room, in a bit of a hurry. Running really, when someone came out of no where and ran strait into me. I fell flat on my face, hard. It really hurt. Looking beside me, I noticed Jacob Web was sitting on his bum. He was pissed. I guess we ran flat into each other. He was so rude, he didn't even decide to help me up. That's when I decided to start the name game "JERK!".

-End of Flash back-

Still sitting in the hall way against the cold lockers, I began to pick through myself, my life story was flashing in my mind. I guess you could say I was pretty popular, smart and I guess pretty. Every guy was dieing to be with me, and only reason I say that is because every guy decided to tell me. Everyday. So I assumed I was pretty, and I guess you could say I was the "IT" chick at my school. I had long blond hair, naturally blond and I had never done anything to it such as a color it or anything I LOVED My hair. Like I said I was kind of short, and skinny. I worked out everyday because I loved to exercise. My body was built and believe it or not my stomach showed outlines of a 4 pack I was working on. Any who, Jacob the boy that rudely pushed me down was the "it" guy at school. Yeah. Yeah. I know the "it" guy and girl are suppose to be together, well here at our high school Jacob and I hated each other. A reason left for another time.

Slowly I began to come to my senses, I realized class had been going on for twenty minutes now. Damn I sat here that long and no one even attempted to tell me to get to class. This school really must not care what students do here.

Standing up and gathering my books for the second time today, I began to walk down the hall way to my third class of the day. English. Yay, and no that wasn't because I hated English, I truly loved It. I hated the guy that was in the class with me. Jacob Web.

--- Heres a link to see what the characters look like, I can't get the slide show to work sorry..

Also please vote, comment and fan! tell me what you think of my story! I really love this storyto be honest so please keep reading it gets even better I promise!-

I had one word for him... JERK!Where stories live. Discover now