Chapter 10 - This is a start to a new beginning.

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I AM SOOOO SORRY its been so long. AGain with the finals but there over and like i promised I WROTE! :D .. i also had a bit of writers block on this story and my other one ! but once I started to write it just came to me.

Again please comment, vote and fan if you haven't !! And thanks to everyone who has fanned btw!

tell me what you think!>.


Chapter 10 - This is a start to a new beginning

When I got back to the gym, everything was back to normal except for catching Jacob starring at me every few minutes or so. It was so weird. He wasn't acting like his normal self. And part of me really liked this new him, yet some part of him seemed old like my old Jacob from when we were younger.

After running laps and doing a couple exercise routines, the bell rang. Grabbing my bag I ran out the door before Jacob could talk to me. I might want to talk to him, but not in front of the school.

Reaching my car, I felt as if I was out of his sight. I started my car and drove home.

When I got home, I ran up stairs to my room and took a quick shower. I threw on a plain white t-shirt with some black shorts and gym shoes. When I had everything together I grabbed my phone and headed towards the front door.

Mom came home as I started out the door.

"Hey Honey, where are you going?" She was shutting the door on her Jeep Cherokee. Mom looked so tired from work. After Dad passed away, she worked her butt off even though he left us money. It seemed to keep her busy and not thinking about Dad.

"I'm going for a run, I'll be back later. Love you mom!"

"Okay honey, just be careful." She started to walk in the house.

With that, I took off down the path and headed for the pond. It wasn't quite 7 yet but I wanted to take a little detour around the farm. Maybe a little run would calm my nerves. This was Jacob I'm talking about, he could be up to anything.

After a little run, 7 snuck up before I knew it. Heading towards the pond, I saw Jacob sitting on the rock. He was listening to music and had on a red pair of gym shorts with no shirt. God his body was amazing. With one touch he could melt my body. But I had to be strong be I still didn't trust him!

Walking towards him slowly, so he wouldn't hear me. I started to reach for his shoulders to scare him.

"HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" I screamed as loud as I could when I grabbed his shoulder. He flew to his feet and looked as if someone had punched him in the gut.

"What's up with that? That wasn't very nice." He started to move closer to me. He moved from his punched in the gut look to a smile that made my body began to shake.

"Well I'm not nice, you should know that by now." My eyes never left his. He was getting closer.

As he reached me, his hands wrapped around my waist. Pressing me into his warm body. Again, I had to be strong. I couldn't let him get to me this early.

"So, Where was we in the gym? I believe it was a little like this.." His lips started to touch my open neck. He ran his lips up towards my ear.

"Or was it like this?" He started to lick the bottom of my ear, dragging his tongue slowly towards my lips. Licking my bottom lip I gave in and let out a soft moan.

"Yeah I believe it was like that." He started to smile as his lips pressed into mine. Giving it I started to kiss him back, as his mouth opened up and his tongue started to beg for entrance to my mouth. Teasing I let him beg a few seconds before finally letting him in.

Standing their with our bodies pressed together, our tongues moving together in such a rythem it seemd as nothing could ever stop us. I felt so full of butterflies, their were no words for right now. I didn't want this to stop. My anger I once felt for Jacob was no longer there, it was as if it was replaced with lust.

Finally we let our lips come apart from one another so we could breath. I didn't want to stop but I needed oxygen for peek sakes! His started to smile again and motioned for me to take a seat on the rock beside us.

Sitting down, he followed behind me and took the seat next to mine.

Looking back into his eyes, I felt my self actually blush! He seemed to catch on and started to laugh a bit.

"Well Well, I actually made Kristen blush! This is amazing." Jacob brought his lips to my cheek and kissed it.

"Don't count on making me blush anymore. it's a once in a life time thing. But enough of the small talk, what are we getting our selves into?" I turned my attention to the pond, I knew I was rushing things but I wasn't about playing games.

"What do you mean?" Jacob grabbed my cheek farthest away from him and turned my head back towards his. He was starring at me so serious.

"I mean, what are we? What are we doing? This isn't like us. You're the big bad Jacob and I'm miss goody Kristen. We use to be best friends and you ditched me so I started hating you. You started hating me and that's all we've ever known. Don't get me wrong Jacob, I've always had something for you since we were kids but I don't play games and I'm not like your other little whores you bring around at school." I moved his hand from my cheek returning the serious look.

"Kristen, I know your not a whore. Your beautiful and trust me I really like you and I've always had something for you too. But if we jump in front of people about being together there going to say something. So lets take it slow and try to be friends at school and then we'll start slow and go from there. I want you to be with me but only if you heart is totally in it. I'm not going to break your heart. Trust me." God He was literally making my mouth water, he was being so sweet. Maybe he wasn't as bad as everyone made him out to be. Because I felt my Jacob was still in there. This, what he just said proved it.

"I want to be with you Jacob, but again no games. Tonight's your big party so I guess we will see how bad you really want us to be together. If you can control your self and no be all over girls then you'll prove it to me. And we need to start being nice to one another in public." Jacob threw his arm around me and pulled my body towards his. I was laying against his bare chest. Praying this wouldn't back fire on me.

"You got it, No girls just you from now on I swear. Come to my party its going to be starting here in about an hour. Go get ready and like you said tonight we will start being nice to each other. I really care about you Kristen." With that his kissed my fore head. I knew he meant it but he still had to prove it.

I rose to my feet, and Jacob rose to his after me. He brought his lips to mine and kissed me one last time before the party.

"I'll see you tonight and no girls I swear, and no guys for you either." He let go of my lips and started to walk off back towards his house.

"I promise no guys, but don't make me regret this please." I started to walk back to the house.

"SWEAAR!" he took off.

Gosh, I better not bite my self in this ass for this. Guess we will see. I started to run towards the house. After all I had a party to get ready for.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2010 ⏰

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