Chapter 9

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Cuphead awoke, still dazed and a little confused before realizing where he was. He yawned and scratches his back before looking at his phone. A reminder ringed and his eyes seem to drain of color in an instant, ' Mission Day'. Cuphead hands began to shake a little before focusing back to real life. Yeah sure he was ok with Mugman going but deep down he couldn't focus straight, his mind spiraled with thoughts of Mugman's death.

"Breathe" he whispered to no one "Breathe, everything is going to be fine. Felix won't let Mugman die right?" Cuphead felt his eyes weal up with tears before shaking his head and getting his clothes on.

As he left the room as a sensation of joy washed over him. He didn't know why but he couldn't help but smile. Bendy came out of his room and looked at him with some questionable eyes, "Why you so chipper in the morning? Did you get you cup finally cleaned of all that nonsense you call a brain?" Cuphead chuckled as he walked past the small demon "Your one to talk shorty. Make sure to think taller, then you can finally reach the counter's." Bendy frozed in place, his face began to heat up a bit before he shakes his head and walked to the kitchen.

Only Felix and Mugman were up, Mug's was sitting there drinking a coffee as he talked to himself while Felix was making pancakes for everyone. "Hey bro, you good?" Cuphead asked as he placed a hand on Mug's shoulder. Mug looked up at him and forced a smile "I'm fine Cup, why don't you take a seat and have something." Cuphead nodded and sat down across from Mugman, Bendy came and sat right next to him. Cup didn't know why but this made him feel giddy as a school girl, god he hated it.

Felix walked over to the table, a plate of pancakes in his hands. He sat them down "Alright, dig in." He said quietly as to not wake up Boris or Clair, who were asleep in the living room. Cuphead and Bendy both reached for a pancake at the same time, the pancake itself was in a shape of a heart. Bendy glared over at Cuphead but then his expression turned into a confused one as he saw the face of the man beside him. His faced was flushed with red and looked closed to steaming. "Cup, you ok?" Bendy asked as he let go of the pancake, this question got the attention of not just Cuphead but also Mugman.

"I'm fine, just feeling a little warm." Cuphead lied, and Mugman knew it. "Hey Cup's, could you come with me for a sec?" Mugman asked as he stood up, cup in hand as he walked down to his guest room, Cuphead following behind. "What's wrong?" The younger brother asked as they entered his room. "Nothing" Cup answered, he looked at a few things in here, it was about the same as his room. "Cup, I haven't seen you get this red since Baroness, and we all knew you had a giant crush on her. Something is going on in your mind Cup, is it Bendy?" Mug asked, the other man in the room felt a little more heated up at that name, Bendy. "I-it's nothing Mug's, I don't feel anything towards that small demon." Cup answered "Huh, alright then. Just know I see you looking at his ass I'm gonna slap you." Mug teased as he left the poor porcelain with a red face and an image of Bendy he really wished to un-see. 'God damnit Mugs!' he thought as he left the room, still red faced. 'I thought these feeling were gone?' he pondered a bit, shaking the thought off to head back.

As Cuphead walked back to the kitchen, Boris and Clair woke up and sat at the table. Cuphead sat down and Bendy couldn't help but notice how red he was. "Dude why the fuck are you so red? You look like a god damn tomato." Bendy teased which earned him a smack behind the head from Boris. Bendy frowned and rubbed his had "Bendy you know I can't deal with your teasing shit in the morning." Boris stated "WHAT!! I wasn't even teasing you this time! What the hell!" Bendy said irritated as a faint chuckle was heard behind him.

"What's so funny milk for Brian's?" Bendy said as he turned around "Oh nothing, just something about you getting beat up is quite hilarious to me, you should do it more often." Cuphead cooed back. The two inched closer as they threw insult after insult at one another. Clair looked at Mugman and whispered "Jeez can these two get a room already" which earned herself a nice chuckle from the mug.

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