Chapter 1

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Layne Staley × Eddie Vedder

Point of View: Layne's

I was sitting on my friend Jerry's couch, having a conversation with him. He says that what we're talking about is a "big deal," but I don't think it is.

It's just a boy. A boy I've never talked to. I didn't understand why it was such a big deal.

I went to Jerry's house to talk to him about this boy I see a lot at the coffee shop. He's in there almost every morning when I go in.

A shorter man- probably 19 or 20 years old. Long brown curly hair- down to his shoulders, big blue eyes, full lips, puffy cheeks. Jerry's always cracking these dumb ass jokes at me when I describe the man to him.

"You think he's hot dont you?" "Aweee Laynes got a crush!" He tells me.

So what if I think he's cute? It's not like anything will happen- we've never even talked.

I don't think he'd want me anyways.

He always had a little composition notebook with him. I saw him writing or drawing in it- whichever he was doing- all the time. He also always had on some type of flannel, with a plain t-shirt underneath. His flannel sleeves would always cover his hands a bit when he wrote. I dont know, I thought it was cute. A tiny little man in an oversized shirt was adorable to me.

"Just admit it," Jerry told me, as he took a drag from his cigarette.

"Admit what?" I asked.

He nudged my arm. "Admit that you like him. You think he's cute."

"W-what makes you think that?"

"Oh come on Layne. You talk about him almost every time you see him. Plus you've been going to a coffee shop I'm guessing just to see him. I thought you didnt even like coffee?" Jerry asked.

I shrugged. "They have breakfast food there too. That's why I went in the first place. Hes just extra motivation."

"Did you go there today?"

"N-no. I came here instead."

"You know what I think?"


Jerry nudged my arm and smiled at me. "I think he likes you too."

I furrowed my brows at him, honestly confused on why he'd think that. "What makes you think that?"

"I dont know. You said hes there a lot. Maybe he's there to see you the same way you go to see him." Jerry lightly pinched my cheeks. "Hes probably drawing and writing about how beautiful you are." He cooed.

I swatted his hands away from my face and chuckled. "Oh shut up!"

"Why not go see if he's there?" He asked.

"Dont you think that would kinda be... creepy?" I asked him.

He shrugged and lit up another cigarette. "No. You're just going to eat breakfast. Not like you're watching him eat or something. Right?"

I shook my head. "Of course not. I mind my own business but-"

"But what?" 

I shrugged and looked away from Jerry. "But I uh-  I glance at him here and there."

"Hm. Do you know his name?" Jerry asked me.

I shook my head at him, as I looked back at his face.

"Go find out," Jerry said, as he stood up, to put out his cigarette.

"W-what?" I stood up and stood beside him.

"Yea. You obviously have a crush on him. Go talk to him."

"I-I dont know Jer. What if he.. doesnt wanna talk?"

Jerry shrugged at me. "Then.. fuck I dont know." He walked over to me and patted my back. "Give it a try man. Im gonna go see Mike. I'll see you later."

I quickly grabbed my jacket and walked to the door with Jerry. "Hey, can you give me a ride?"

"To the Coffee shop?"


"Yea man. Come on, let's go take you to your crush." Jerry said as he led me out the door, playfully nudging my arm.

I playfully pushed him. "Oh shut up."

Once we started to drive, I asked him, "How do I start a conversation?"

Jerry put his finger up to his chin, signaling that he was pondering the question. "Hmm.. just walk up to him, and say, 'Hi my names Layne.' And take it from there."

Jerry pulled up to the coffee shop and unlocked my door. "Need me to pick you up?"

I looked out the window to the shop. I could see the man through the window. Thank God hes here. I said to myself. "Um- no I'll walk. Thanks, Jerry."

"No problem buddy." Before I could get too far away from his car, he yelled out "Hey if you take him back to the apartment, dont be too loud with the sex noises alright?"

I playfully flipped him off and laughed. "Oh shut up!"

Jerry playfully blew me a kiss and drove off.

I laughed again to myself and walked into the shop-- as calmly as I could.

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