Star Crossed Souls Part 1: The Path of Silence

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Heyyyy guys it's Hime and I'm back with a new book! So pretty much the whole idea of this book derived from me sitting at home like a bump on a log while listening to instrumental music (the songs up above). I got inspired, and since I can't draw I did the next best thing and decided to write a story off of it! This short story made up of each song in this video will be the start of my book, so I hope you all enjoy! Now let's get on to the story!!!!!!

This track begins at 0:00 and ends at 3:08.



I am nothing.

I have nothing.

I feel nothing.

I am not living nor dead, I am not an object, or am I a man. I am just a nothing.

Solitude. That is my life, as I am nothing. Nothing comes and nothing goes. I am alone.

I am... now surrounded by light... There was a sudden force of wind, colors swirl all around me. I become dizzy.

I am no longer alone. I can feel the presence of others, a feeling that is foreign to me, though feelings are a foreign thing to me to begin with.

I hear many things; voices, music, footsteps, the rumbles of engines.

I reach out to touch the light and all of her colors, she is near.

I suddenly see the colors and they all start spinning faster than before, until, they stop.

I am now surrounded by nothingness once more, everything returns to how it is. Except for one thing, a fragment remains floating around me, I reach out to grab it.

The colors suddenly flash and I am thrown into a whirlpool of colors...

Suddenly there is a burst of white, I see nothing but white.

Well I hope y'all enjoyed chapter 1! Sorry it was short, I will try and make other chapters longer! Hime out Peace!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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