6 - 25 - 19 11:15pm

4 0 0

oh my GOD guys i took a pill! its called topiramate. its for migraines, originally, along with seizures, bipolar disorder, and some other stuff i cant fuckin remember. my head feels so so so so so so numb ish????? and so do my arms so i figured id update bc i dont have anything else 2 do..... pretty sad getttin high alone huh... lol.... i am... very tired and v horny so if i die.. u know whats up.... i got this shit from my mom (my mom takes it) on one of my signature impulse whirls and i dont really quite regret it hahahdjdmm. mMmMMMm i feel pretty good! i took it at 10pm and it started kicking in around 10:45 . idk i talked to my crush a bit..... god I have to contain myself around her. she's one beautiful human being. being high would give me an excuse sure but she's uncomfy around that type of stuff and i dont want to scare her away by any means. shes wonderful. i told her to sleep well and she said just "thankssssss" with like. that many S's so like..... huh. what does that mean. i got a weirdo taste in my mouth wtfff.... :/ i read that to be one of the side effects kinda ... they said a BAD taste but its just a lil OFF ... idk.. i should add that i watched the second episode of that new show euphoria w zendaya (who is the prettiest person i have ever seen if i do say so myself) and theres a whole lotta drugs goin on there which inspired me i think to this lil bit of mine...... good times good times.... i... dont do drugs for attention i do them for fun. and for self destruction. that shits rad. its all sciencey n shit. its pure curiosity . BRO my head is tingly ad djkskftkdk. and man id love havin a gf right now. okay that enough for me tonight i got smthn else to do... adios fellas.... sleep well u bitches... love ya..

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