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I have been called a liar by many people. Now, I may exaggerate, or understate, but if there's one thing I refuse to do it's to straight up fabricate. I can understand the concept of hyperbolizing or a lie by omission. But to simply create a new reality? Unfounded upon what has actually occurred? I cannot comprehend that.

After all, if you're making a mountain out of a molehill, you're still working with something. Or if you're going out with friends to a place your parents don't want you to go and beforehand you guys are planning on going somewhere your parents approve of so you tell your parents that you're going out with them to the place they do approve of, that's not technically a lie. Or perhaps that time you tutored your mom's friend's kid for a few months so you put "private tutor" on your resume. Perhaps you just didn't respond when someone asked you if you ate the food in the fridge. Maybe you deflected when asked a question. Maybe you asked another question. At least in such instances, you're working off of something, it's not a full truth or a full lie. It's like a hybrid, neither good nor bad. It's human. 

But the fabrication of truth is a detestable feat. Of course, if that is one's reality, it may be understandable. Not great, but understandable. It needs to be dealt with because it is a false perception, but it may not be labeled a lie. To tell stories, however, fully unfounded upon reality is loathsome. Life is interesting enough as it is, it is simply unnecessary to tell a false tale to gain an audience's attention. If you can't gain your audience's attention with the truth, you're simply a bad storyteller.

If there is one thing I value above all else, it is the truth. I have a very strong, innate sense of morality and right vs. wrong, and justice is justice is justice is justice and it must be administered, yet rarely is.

If anyone should know anything about me, I don't lie.

I am not a liar.

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