Behind The Mask

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A couple of days had passed in uneasy normality since the Auction House Caper. The news was still going crazy over it; after all, Ladybug had never tagged her targets before. In response, a few observant (or obnoxious, depending on who you asked) detectives had speculated that Marinette was a copycat thief as the scene didn't quite match LB's MO.

They had been right on the money, of course, but that didn't mean Marinette wasn't insulted. Yet, in reality, what the authorities were saying about her escapade was irrelevant. All that mattered was that 'X' got the message: this wasn't over.

In fact, it was only just beginning.

Acting like everything was normal wasn't as difficult as Marinette had thought it would be, and - other than the fact that she had a priceless jewel stashed at the bottom of her closet - it kind of was. The hardest part was having to remind herself that this was only temporary. Once the brooch was sold, it became a waiting game. If Tikki's plan had worked, 'X' should resurface to eliminate the new threat to his status as number one, world-class super thief.

In the meantime, Marinette had an appointment to keep with a jewellery expert on the Shadow Market. After school, she was meeting with Tikki's buyer; one of Lucille's regulars and a loyal tradesman. Tikki assured her that this person would give her a good price and maintain complete confidentiality in regards to her identity.

She had nothing to worry about.

Even so, she found herself unable to concentrate in any of her lessons. She chewed her pen as her mind wandered, nervously running every failed scenario over in her mind when a sudden screech snapped her out of her downwards spiral.

"It's gone!" shrieked Chloé, like a banshee.

Marinette's gaze fell on her classmate who was desperately rifling through her handbag compartments as if she had been poisoned and had misplaced the sole antidote in one of the pockets.

She admired Madame Bustier's composure as she attempted to diffuse the situation. "What's wrong, Chloé?" she asked calmly.

Chloé glared daggers at her teacher. "What's wrong? What's wrong!" she roared. "Somebody stole my bracelet!" Her face had turned an angry purple and her sharp nails dug into the edge of the desk. "What if it was Ladybug?" she wailed.

How exactly Chloé had arrived at that conclusion, Marinette had no idea. As if she would stoop so low as to steal her tacky gold bangle! Still, Chloé was convinced she had been robbed by the spotted super thief - and she had Adrien believing it too.

"There's no other explanation," he said, but his serious demeanour seemed exaggerated. "Who else could have swiped it from right under your nose?" he asked rhetorically, but Marinette could have sworn a funny look had crossed his face - a mix of pride and subtle amusement.

Just as quickly as the look had appeared, it was gone and Adrien's face morphed back to honest concern, leaving Marinette to wonder if it had even been there at all.

The lesson resumed, but Chloé still didn't let it go. Her bracelet stayed lost and she continued to make outlandish accusations, only quieting when she resolved to hire a private investigator to catch the culprit.

On her way out, Marinette overheard Chloé preaching to Sabrina. "Something as serious as this is best left to the professionals," she said, flipping her blonde ponytail with a measure of sass.


The Shadow Market was not at all what Marinette had expected. For starters, when she arrived at the location - an abandoned warehouse in a slightly shady sector of the city - there was no sign of any underground trading network for a secret community of super thieves. The place was completely empty.

"Um, Tikki...? Where is everyone?" she asked, her voice bouncing off the walls.

"Don't worry Marinette. It's only four twenty-seven. It doesn't start until four thirty," Tikki assured.

Marinette was still unconvinced. "But shouldn't people be setting up by now?" she asked, anxiously playing with a loose strand of hair.

"Wait and see," Tikki insisted.

At four thirty - and not a second before - the doors burst open and in marched a procession of smartly dressed men and women carrying briefcases and boxes. Their actions were well rehearsed and everyone seemed to know exactly where they needed to be.

All except Marinette.

"Rule one of the Shadow Market: it only exists for ten minutes each week on a random date and time and in an arbitrary location," Tikki explained. "These details are spread by word of mouth through a select group of informants. You have to act quickly."

Marinette scanned the crowd. "But which one is our guy?"

"Rule number two: there are no names. Each operative is identified by one distinguishing feature. Or as I like to call it: identification by affectation. Our guy is 'Top Hat' and right now, he's looking for 'Pig-tailed Girl'."

"Gee, thanks, Tikki. Couldn't I have gotten something... I dunno... a little more glamorous?" she moaned.

"No," Tikki replied flatly.

Weaving her way through the orderly mass, Marinette spotted an irritated-looking, middle-aged man in a three-piece suit accented by a yellow cravat and matching bright pocket square. On his head sat a black top hat; she had found the buyer. As she drew closer, Marinette had to stifle her laughter; he looked like a textbook villain as he twirled his waxed moustache.

"You're late," he grouched. With potent impatience, he asked in a nasally tone, "Did you bring it?"

Nodding, Marinette produced the polka-dot pouch from her satchel and handed it over. From the lining of his suit 'Top Hat' brought out a miniature magnifying glass and inspected the jewel encrusted brooch. Satisfied, he put both items away in a secure pocket and smiled, exposing yellowed teeth.

"I'll see to it that the funds are wired to your partner's account," he grinned, patting his jacket pocket.

The man made a short call and Tikki confirmed that the payment had been successful. Then, he left, perhaps to do business with another client. If so, he'd have to act quickly - the ten minutes were almost up and Marinette suspected these sort of events did not overrun.

"I don't know why," said Marinette, once the man had been swallowed by the crowd. "But I thought he'd pay in cash."

"Unfortunately that's not possible. You see, Black money needs to be laundered and, right now, we have no way of doing that. Lucille's Antique Shop handled that side of our operation," Tikki went quiet. Losing the shop really was the least of it. "We're lucky that he permitted a bank transfer," she added thoughtfully. "Most other traders would worry about leaving a footprint, but 'Top Hat' trusts my hacking skills. I can burry any possible trails so deep that it's like they never existed."

"Your cute voice is deceiving. You're actually sort of terrifying," said Marinette.

"I'll take that as a compliment," she replied, with a giggle.

They had finished their business within the ten minute bracket, so Marinette made for the exit. The warehouse was surprisingly packed, but her petite frame worked to her advantage and she squeezed past dealers still locked in intense bartering. Ducking under an arm, she brushed past a group who suddenly dispersed and melted into the sea of people. Quickly changing direction, she ran head on into somebody's chest and stumbled backwards.

Raising her head to apologise, she met a pair of clear, emerald green eyes - widening in recognition. Even with his face half covered by the hood of his jacket, Marinette instantly recognised his handsome face.


A/N: I think this is the best cliffie I've ever written, if I do say so myself. Too bad I think the grand total of two people are reading this fic atm (my stats are broken and no one has voted yet, so it could just be my own reads XD). Still, I am very proud of how this is turning out and if you like it too, PLEASE VOTE!!!

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