Cassandra Watson (Sherlock BBC fanfiction)

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•January 10th, 2014•

"John!" Mary screamed as she felt the stabbing pain in her stomach.

Almost immediately, John appeared in the doorway of his and Mary's bedroom. He did that a lot since his wife became pregnant. He'd run when she called, no matter where he was.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"It's the baby. She's coming," Mary said and slowly began to sit up. John was quick to help her.

"Alright, I'll take you to the hospital as quick as I possibly can. Anything you need?"

Mary just shook her head. She did the breathing she had practiced in the mothering classes she had started taking after everything with Charles.

John helped Mary out of bed and to the car. He held the door open for his wife, who cringed as another contraction hit. He closed the door behind her and made his way to the other side of the car. As he did so, he took his phone and sent a quick text.

"Mary's in labor. Get to the hospital asap -JW"


Hours passed. Sherlock Holmes sat, waiting to hear what the news was on Mary. He had come to the hospital as soon as he got the text from John.

It had been about a month since Sherlock had returned because of Moriarty's "return".

Some return, Sherlock thought to himself. He puts out a video claiming his return and then he doesn't do anything since. Psychopath, he is.

But at the same time, Sherlock found himself worried about what Moriarty's real plan was. Obviously he came back for a reason. How did he even come back? Sherlock witnessed Moriarty shoot himself in the head. He died. Sherlock witnessed him bleed before faking his own death. How could this possibly happen?

Sherlock was brought out of his thought by John. He walked up to Sherlock wearing the traditional hospital greenish blue suits that were required to be worn by doctors and nurses during sugary or when husbands go in when their wife goes in labor.

Sherlock stood. "So?"

John smiled at his friend. "Come see her."

Sherlock was hesitant, but John insisted. The two men entered the room in which Mary was laying. The doctor had just passed the newborn baby to it's mother. It screeched until it felt itself being placed safely in Mary's arms.

Mary looked up at Sherlock and smiled.

"Beautiful baby girl," she told him. "Just like the doctor's said."

John took to his wife's side and looked down at his new born daughter. He smiled, already seeing so much of himself and of Mary in the tiny being. Sherlock watched from a distance.

"Well?" John said. "You coming to see her or are you just gonna stand there?"

Sherlock slowly approached Mary. The baby girl was wrapped securely in a pink baby blanket. Her little eyes were closed and she breathed heavily. She was sleeping.

"Isn't she gorgeous?" Mary asked.

"If you find wrinkles attractive," Sherlock muttered. John would've shot him a glare if he wasn't so happy.

"Wanna hold her?"

Sherlock was surprised by the question. He wasn't sure what to say. Mary took his silence as an answer and passed him the baby. He held her carefully, with the help of Mary of course.

He felt awkward. Sherlock had never held a baby before. He was worried he was going to drop her.

The baby's big brown eyes opened suddenly. Sherlock braced himself for the screech he knew was going to come out of the child. But instead, the tiny being just snuggled back into Sherlock and fell back asleep. John chuckled.

"Look at that. She likes you," he said.

"Have you chosen a name?" Sherlock asked.

"We had one in mind," Mary confirmed. She looked up at her husband, who nodded in approval. She smiled and added, "Cassandra."

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