Planet Spud. (Part Two)

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To: Planet Spud

From: Silent_And_Sad

Planet Spud,

you have to help me. I don't know how to give a speech at school, and I have one coming up. I have a terrible stutter and have been made fun of so much that I just don't talk anymore. How can I avoid the speech?

To: Silent_And_Sad

From: Planet Spud

SaS, you have nothing to be upset about just 'cause you have a stutter! Tell them to s-s-stick it where the sun don't shine! If giving a speech is really a problem for you, ask the teacher if you can give them the speech in private. If they decline your proposal, then remain strong and flip them the bird. They Neanderthal's will be so astonished they'll sulk in their cave's for a week! Silent_And_Sad, become Talkative_And_Terrific!


The conversation that took place in the sexy, slinky sunlight of Saturday morning:

[[Zena35 has logged in.]]

Fizz_01: Thank the hell below that U R online!

Zena35: Don’t U mean ‘thank the heavens above’?

Fizz_01: Since when have I done things the same as every1 else, Cher?

Zena35: Since never, I suppose. Now why the heck did U wake me at this ungodly hour?

Fizz_01: I have horrible, horrible news.

Zena35: Christ, did U kill ANOTHER goldfish?

Fizz_01: Nay milady; Goldie no. 11 is still yet to become belly up. I think it’s a record…

Zena35: Then what else could U have to tell me??

Fizz_01: U know the blog U wrote?

Zena35: Yeah…

Fizz_01: I LUV U, U know that, right?

Zena35: I’m waiting, Ed!!

Fizz_01: Well it was totally an accidentarino, but when I thought I was uploading your writing assignment onto the computer to be printed, I uploaded Ur blog instead…

Zena35: That’s cool, just delete it; no worries.

Fizz_01: Actually… when mum saw it on my computer she thought it was so brill’ that she uploaded it 2 a blog site…

Zena35: WHAT?!

Fizz_01: I was asleep; U can’t hold me responsible!

Zena35: AGH! Okay, relax. I can figure this out. Just go 2 the site and delete that mother f***** b4 any1 else reads it.

Fizz_01: U can’t delete them though!

Zena35: Oh s***! Uh, er… Don’t worry, this is all good. No1 is gonna want 2 read my blog anyway. Besides, how many people could have possibly seen it in less than 24 hours?

Fizz_01: Check it for yourself…

[[Fizz_01 has sent you a link.]]

[[Zena35 has clicked your link.]]

Zena35: Holy… holy cow…

Fizz_01: 302,549 reads, 197 tweets, 346 facebook likes and 97,456 comments…

Zena35: This is freakin’… woah.

Fizz_01: Dude, we need 2 meet urgently. This is crisis x300,000. I’ll ring Jacob, U get dressed. We’ll meet at the internet café in 20 minutes. Kay?

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