Chapter 4 (Final)

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I wake up to the lights being flicked on in my room.

"Addie you have orientation at your new school today get up" she says.

I sit up and look at her "Oh you have got to be kidding me" I say.

"Oh Addison I have never been more serious in my life" she says snidely.

I flop down and pull the covers over my head.

She pulls the covers off me "Up and dressed now Addison.".

I swing my legs off the side of my bed and walk across the soft carpet of my floor. My mom walks out and shuts my door. I pull on a sports bra and Hurricane's T-shirt. I pull on a pair of black track pants and pink and blue running shoes. I pull on my Alton high school football sweatshirt. It has the number 2 on the back of it and reads Thompson on the back of it. David's last name. I walk downstairs and grab an apple from the counter. I take a bite out of it and my mom walk into the kitchen.

She sighs "Addie don't you think that you should'nt wear a shirt from your old high school" she says.

"It reminds me of home" I say.

"This is your home" she says.

"This will never be my home" I snarl at her.

She looks at me "Addie put your hair up we're late".

I walk into the bathroom and put my hair up in a messy bun then I walk out and get in the car. My mom comes out and gets in the drivers seat. She pulls out and we start down the road.

"Do you think you might play volleyball" she asks.

"I'm never playing that sport again" I say playing with my keys, she sighs.

She does that a lot lately.

She pulls into a parking lot and that's when I see the school. It's small and one story about the size of my cousins school in Ohio, It is brown with a football field off to the side a track around it. A baseball diamond is behind that.

The football field is real grass not astro turf like at Alton.

The bleachers metal benches not plush seats like at Alton. Nothing here is like Alton.

I get out of the car and take off my sweatshirt revealing my Miami T-shirt. My mom gets out and we walk to the front door. She pulls it open and I walk inside. The walls are plain with some small posters that say Go Titan's or Smoke Em and other sayings like that.

My mom stops "I have to go to the office but, you can go look at your locker if you want.".

"Yeah sure" I say.

"365" she calls after me as I walk away.

I walk down the hall and see other kids checking out there lockers.. Kids come out of the classrooms all of them looking at me. I cross my arms over my chest.

That's when I hear a familiar voice call out "Miami".

I turn around and see Noah Bexton standing there a smile across his face and dark hair sitting in a curly mop on his head.

"Quarterback" I say.

He laughs looking at the ground and walks over. "So you're going to school here?" he asks.

"That's what it looks like" I say.

A girl walks up behind him. She has long blonde hair like mine except it's curly not straight. She has icy blue eyes that are almost as bright as my grayish blue ones.

"Oh is this your girlfriend?" I say snidely. "This is my sister." he says raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"Hi I'm Hanna" she says. "You must be Miami Noah talked about you".

I look at him and smile "Did he now did he mention that my real name is Addison Daniels" I respond. That's when another guy comes up behind Noah. He has Blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Damn" he says looking at me with a smirk.

"What have you never seen a girl before" I snap at him.

"Shut up Gage" Noah says.

He smirks "Come on Noah i'm just having some fun" .

"Whats your name girl" he asks.

"Never gonna happen" I snap at him. I turn around and stomp off to the office where my mom is. The principle is a small woman. But, everyone looks small when your 5'11.

"Addison let me just say that it is a pleasure to have you join us" she says.

"Thanks" I say.

"Well I can see that you seem to have already met our school advisor" she says. Noah walks up and puts his arm around my shoulders."Yes Ms. Garrison I've already introduced myself" he says smirking. I slide his hand off my shoulder.

"Well if you want Addie you can go with Noah" my mom says.

"Sounds Great" Noah says guiding me away from my mom and the principle down the hallway. "I'll show you the in's and out's of this place" he says.

"I think i'm just supposed to find out where my classes are" I say sarcastically.

"Well you can go back and do that or you can make some new Friends" he says a smile creeping onto his face. We walk down the hallway and he stops at a door. He opens it and there is a ladder. "Do you trust me" he asks, "I don't know if I would go that far" I say smirking. He climbs up before me and I follow him up. We climb for a while when I hear something crack. Then there is a blinding light. Noah climbs out and offers me his hand pulling me up onto the roof. It's beautiful from up here. The corn and wheat fields seem to have waves like the tides. "I mean it's not blue or anything but, it could be your makeshift ocean" he says. I smile and sit down pulling my knees to my chest. I look out at the endless fields. Noah sits down next to me.

"Why did your dad take this job" he asks me. I look at him and he looks at the ground "Sorry it's none of my business" he says.

"No it's fine it's just honestly i'm not sure why" I say. "How can you not know why your dad gave up a head coach job at The University of Miami for some coaching job at a tiny high school with a terrible program" he says.

"When my dad told me we were moving I said the same thing but, he didn't answer me he just said that It what was best for all of us". "I think it was what was best for him" he says. "That's because it was for him he never thinks about anyone else" I snarl. "Well everything happens for a reason" he says. I turn sharply and look at him "What did you just say". He looks at me "Everything happens for a reason". "Oh" I say looking out at the fields. "Why" he asks. "No reason" I say. We sit there in silence taking in the sights and just thinking.

The Coach's Daughter (Revising)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora