Only Chapter

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     Scrooge was disturbed, and maybe a little shocked. No, very shocked. There was even an ounce of confusion in the mix. But he wouldn't admit this to anyone, not even his own family. He wore a mask of happiness and contentedness in public, but underneath, he was confused and conflicted. So far, no one could tell how the rich duck really felt. This pleased him, allowing him to have his own alone time to figure out this perplexing and disturbing mystery. Don't mistake this for depression. No no no. This was more of a brainstorming process Scrooge was currently going through. He did this when unlocking the mysteries for a new adventure, and now he was brainstorming this new mystery plaguing him.

     What's this mystery you may ask? Well, it's a very simple concept. But for some reason, it confused McDuck more than anything he'd ever encountered. He'd rather face Magica De Spell and Flintheart Glomgold all at once instead of even thinking about it. It was his feelings. It seemed stupid, but it confused the old duck to no end.

     Scrooge had only ever had one love in his life. That being the rambunctious gal Goldie O'Gilt. The only issue he had with Goldie was that she loved gold more than she loved him. They both had a weird love-hate relationship with each other. It was always fun to tease Goldie and have her tease back, but Scrooge could never imagine settling down to be with her.

     After not seeing Goldie after being stuck in a glacier for 5 years with her, Scrooge seemed to move on. His heart was content with his niece and nephew, Donald and Della. Then Della got lost in space, and he separated from his nephew for 10 years. Even through those 10 years, the old duck's heart never needed anyone to complete it beside his family. Afterwords, Donald left the triplets in his care. Eventually, the family was reunited. Then Della came back. Scrooge had never felt so complete. He could live like this for the rest of his life. But it seems his heart had other plans.

     The plans his heart had were to make Scrooge yearn to be with another beside his family. Scrooge didn't know he felt this way until he had a meeting with Gyro and Fenton. Fenton spoke for most of the meeting, as the proposed invention was his design. Scrooge McDuck was immediately entranced by the young duck. Fenton had captured Scrooge's attention in a way no one else had ever done in over a century. It seemed like a few seconds before the meeting was over, and only a few seconds before Scrooge had to say his goodbyes to Fenton. It was really after the meeting when Scrooge began to realized his feelings for Fenton. After the two scientists left, Scrooge felt a hollowness in his chest which hadn't been there before. Gyro had worked for the rich duck for over 10 years, so he knew this new feeling had nothing to do with him. That's when he realized that he had "feelings" for the young intern. This is the mystery the billionaire was currently try to unravel. The why behind these feelings.

     Right now, Scrooge was walking to the elevator to start his work day. But since he was alone at the moment, the experienced adventurer was using all the time he could to figure this mystery out. As he mumbled under his breath, he heard someone yelling, "Hold the elevator!"
Scrooge quickly hit the door open button to open the elevator door for the other person. Someone flew past the rich duck and slammed into the other side of the elevator. The elevator shook a little at the impact. Scrooge turned to look at the person only to find the duck he had been pondering over for days: Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera.


     Fenton's situation was similar to McDuck's, but his story was a lot shorter. Fenton lost his father at a very young age, so he learned everything from his mother. When puberty hit, he was thrown into a whirlwind of hormones and weird feelings for a few years. Finally, Fenton was able to escape those teen years and get into college. He dated a few girls here and there, but it was never a serious relationship. That is, until he met Gandra Dee. 

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