Act 1- The Void

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Stacy laid on the floor, the pain resolving from the rest of her body. She groaned in pain, clenching her fist in the last moments of pain.

"Ah, you poor soul. There isn't gonna be a 'Stacy' anymore," she laughs a bit, before giving Stacy a dead eye.

"But, you can say your amens. I'm not satan, am I right?"

Pulling out a mirror out of seemingly nowhere, she smiles into it. Starring into it for a minute or two, she gives it a shake, distorting the reflection inside. It reflected a picture so familiar to Stacy and Karen alike.

That image was Bradley.

Stuck in a slimy tube that seems to be part of that creature that swallowed her whole, her heart sank. He was crying for help, his jacket goopy and his face dirty, Stacy couldn't take it. 

"Where the FUCK is he?!"

Karen laughed, putting away the mirror and her sharp teeth gleaming.

"Look, you just have to open some doors, okay? You'll find him soon enough if this little roadblock doesn't fuck you up."

Stacy, slowly rising from the floor, looked at Karen, and smiled.

"We'll have to see, Karen. Because I'm still up for a fight."

Karen raised an eyebrow. She chuckled, pulling out a sword handle, again out of nowhere.

"Lookie here, darling.  These cheesy sayings are annoying. Shut your mouth and take me on if you can."

Shaking the sword handle, a flicker of blacklight sparked from the middle. Karen, annoyed at the handle, shook it faster, creating a spectacular show of black fire, taking the form of a sword. Getting in a fighting stance, pointing the end to Stacy, she smiles.

Chuckling, Karen lifting the sword in a fast motion, causing her to stumble under the weight, as she puts both hands on the handle and swings it back to being straight. 

Panicking as her heart felt like bursting into fire, and the fact that Stacy has no prior fighting knowledge sent her on a blind rage of running. Dashing for the door only for it to be in a flood of presumed cultists killed her courage.

The sounds of stepping muted the rest of the sounds around her, as her fear grew with every scream, shout, and laugh they all muttered, all while Karen stood behind, awaiting her and beckoning her to come back.

And just in those few moments, she lost. Sharp pains in her waist, arms, and her body in general. Blood spilling, and her cries ending shortly, she fell. A corpse. But the end was far from over.

"Ah, we got her physical form. I'll be back guys, time to take this to the next level."

Karen, still holding her sword, grabbed a sheet, about her width and length. Putting it straight in front of her, and giving it a shake, she disappeared into The Void.

Chatter was heard from the crowd, still holding blood-soaked daggers.

"Will she come back?"

"What about keeping the black-eyed out?"

"Will we live?"

Questions that will never be answered, and could simply be their last ones. Hearing growling outside,  the tapping of glass, and scattering of claws on the roof of the church, fear rose among the participants inside. 

"Stay back beasts!" One out of the crowd said, holding a dagger dripping in Stacy's fluids. Hissing, one bursts through the unprotected door, creating a loud crack, the door hitting the edge of the circle the cultists had formed.


"So Stace. Wondering why you're still kicking or want me to just end it now?"

Stacy stands up, a black, goopy void enveloped both Stacy and Karen. Confused, she tries to speak. Instead of words, dust comes out, her spiritual form coming into full effect.

"Ha, got you too, with a million others. Look," She waves the sword while doing a stretch. 

"I've played this song and dance one too many times already. I'm hunting for something interesting, so I'm gonna make you a deal, hun."

She throws the sacred blade onto the goopy, but surprisingly shallow goopy floors of this void.  

"You take that, and I'll dodge the attacks this time. I know you haven't had years of sword training, but if you win, I'll give your life back. See, you're dead. This is where souls go when they die here."

She looks around.

"Bland, right? Well if you don't wanna be infused into some shitty key, we're gonna have some fun, alright?"

Stacy, supprised that she can pick up the sword, looks at Karen, a death stare peering into her eyes. Taking her first steps and stumbling a bit because of the weight of the sword, she takes her first swing. 

Piercing right through Karen, a face of fear fills Karen and a happy face fills Stacy. Her body cut in half, her two parts fade into dust.

Laughing came out from behind Stacy, while her heart dropped.

Coming out of the goop, came chuckling Karen.

"This is my realm now bitch!"

Snapping, dozens of Karens surround Stacy in a dust cloud of confusion and terror.

"I said I'd have no sword. But fucking with your head might just be better."

Clapping twice, they all charged at her. As Stacy braced for an impact of all sides, they all hit her like balls of sand, as they crumbled at her feet.

Looking at the item that saved her spectral form, the sword glistened and roared as it grew like a fire. 

"Ah, that shit saved your skin? Whatever."

Tackling Stacy to the floor, she looks at her with a death stare. Pushing her harder down in the floor, Stacy tries to lift her sword, to just have Karen grab her arm and push it harder into the floor of the void.

This stalemate was quickly ended when Stacy started going through the floor of the void. Having no air for a split second, Stacy was disoriented. Opening her eyes, a strapping young girl greeted her. Seeming to be made out of a plush toy, one of her eyes stitched, and a big stitched up scratch was most present about her.

"Heya! I'm Pumpernickel. What's your name?"

Before she could answer, she was pulled back, with Karen with a face of horror. 

"Don't go there! It's not... safe! Yeah!"

Stacy, scoffing, flips Karen onto the floor, and then detaches. Stacy flops and starts going into the floor. Karen, scared, starts for her, but Stacy had made it through. Looking around, she sees the girl walking.

She reaches for her when she sees her head pop out.

"Heya! I'm Pumpernickel. What's your name?"

Confused, she beckons for her, just moments after she was pulled back.

"Psst, kid!"

Curious, and happy to see her former comrade, she waves and walks towards her while a robot follows

"Hey! You're back! I'm Pumpernickel, this is shoe shine!"

Halfway into the floor,  Stacy pushes herself up as goopy noises follow. Looking away, she looked at the church. The church seemed cleaner and seemed well kept.

"Noticed the church house did you? Its where we all pray. Shoeshine tries, but he can't speak..."

Stacy, shaking the weird feeling on her, she takes her first steps to the church.

Suddenly, a hand grabs her foot, startling Stacy.

-Bradley Is Missing-

(Hello everyone! This one took a while, innit? Well, I've been busy with stuff, and being lazy. But now we have a twitter but more importantly a discord! Join for news! 

That's all for now. See yall!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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