Truth Untold

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Ashlyn's POV:

Those sounds... they won't leave my head...

Red... blue... nothing but blood on the ground. They've checked the security cameras, it was true. He wasn't lying, he was well-respected, he wouldn't lie anyway. Detectives were there, trying to find any evidence of... attempted suicide. But, Jack said something different. He had received a text message from an unknown number earlier,

Come find me. I'm at the lab west from the City Hall station. Two miles away.

"I know who it is," he said with a crack in his voice, "If it's him, he knows about the cure..."

"... and wants us to capture him," completed Alex. That was thirty minutes before arriving here. The security cameras showed us that there was three people here, not including the security guard. I have my suspicions, I told the detective what may be the case, it seem pretty logical to his view as well. Though, there wasn't concrete proof that there were three. The video clearly shows that, but it doesn't show us if there was really anything. If only Angel was awake, she could find something that could lead us to them again.

(Hours later; Narrator's POV)

"(Gasp) W-What?! (Wheezing) What happened?" Asked RoPo.EXE as he woke up wheezing. He looked around and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. The last thing he could remember was seeing a large-scale attack coming his way, "Shit, I must have blacked out. That could mean..."

"... that he was letting lose," said Antivort with her arms crossed. RoPo was startled, he took a good look at Antivort, her hair was still missing color. But, she had a serious tone on her voice, "You and that good-for-nothing bastard are one in the same."

"I didn't know he was gaining more control! It was hard to tell!"

"I'm not taking about your heroic side, you'll find out soon enough who I'm talking about. Anyway, you were lucky enough to be alive. Whatever he did, it could have killed you."

"Why did you even save me? You said yourself that you could've killed me if you wanted to. Wait... he wanted to kill me?!"

"That's none of your concern," Antivort got up and walked out of the room RoPo was in. He just stared as she walked over, soon he noticed his red hoodie and hat sitting by his bedside. He hesitated for a second then went and put it on. Afterwards, RoPo too exited the room and walked to a window. He was unsure where he was, looking out the window, he realized that he was back at the warehouse. It was a smart move, after being attack, the last place to hide was where one started. He placed his hands on the edge and thought of places where Jack may be hiding.

The last place... Avengers Tower. Haha, you've hidden out long enough. Now, it's my turn... He told himself with a smile. RoPo was about to execute his plans but he heard a noise. He made a sharp turn to his right. It was a dark hallway, so RoPo couldn't see well who or what was there. He walked towards what sounded like weeping, RoPo kept his guard up and pulled out his gun from his back pocket. Soon, a figure emerged from the darkness and RoPo pointed his gun at it,

"Hey! Who the hell are you?!" The figure didn't seem to hear RoPo, "Hey! Turn around or you'll die!" Soon enough, the figure turned around, RoPo was shocked at who he saw, "Antivort?"

"Who are you?" She said with a child-like voice, all frightened.

"I should be asking you that question. What did you do to Antivort?!" The girl looked like Antivort but her colors were different, as if it was inverted. The girl didn't say anything, she placed her hands on her hand and quietly whispered,

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