Part 1

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*Briana's POV*

It was an average day in my diner. Well, it wasn't my diner per-say. Just where I work. Waiting tables during pretty much all my available free time. Between school, my siblings, and work I was a very tired person in general. We were mostly dead, it being 9 almost 10 in the evening. I was bored, my feet hurt and my head pounded with a stress headache. I get them a lot, so it wasn't anything surprising. I wish there were more time in the day. Then I'd be able to make more money, something we really needed. Noel's backpack broke and both Noel and Nicole wanted to go to that field trip next Wednesday to cedar point. They've been talking about it nonstop.

It was at this point in the night that the sound of the bell above the door sounded and pulled me from my trance. I look up, pasting a fake smile on my face and looking out at our late night customers. There were five of them, looking around for the employees. I bounce out from my stand with my cheeky smile. "Hello there! Welcome to Dani's Delicious Diner! How many?"

"Um- five." Someone states shyly. I was counting out menus as they speak, then with my smile lead them to their table off a little bit. Table 14.

"Alrighty, I'll let yall get settled and look over the menus for a bit.

"Can we just get 2 pitchers, one Pepsi the other just water?" A ginger boy asks while taking a seat. I smile and nod, heading out to grab the pitchers and taking it to them.

"If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask," I state before turning away. They looked to be in high school or just out. As I walk over to my stand I couldn't help but feel a strange bang in my chest. Once I was at the creaky stand I lean over it and look out at the customers. There was a taller black haired boy, nicely built with dark blue eyes, a smaller boy sitting close to him yet at the edge of the seat. On the other bench, there was a cheeky boy with ginger hair and an annoying face, an older boy with a very strong built- tho less attractive face, and next to him was a girl. She had long black hair and stunning blue eyes. She didn't appear to be any of the boys' girlfriend and looked oddly happy.

I bite my lip and doddle on the whiteboard thinking. Occasionally I'm able to offer, other services, to gentlemen after work. I really could use the extra cash... for Noel, Nicole, and Rose. The one boy... he's really cute. Seems like the personality type that usually is down for it... I look down at my outfit. Pulling at it to show more of my boobs and straighten out my red skirt for optimal cuteness. Well, this is gonna go either good- or really awkward. I snatch my paper tablet and bound over to their table. (Currently, the only one occupied in this dead diner.)

"Alrighty!" I exclaim smiling at everyone. I was rather short, so even though they were all sitting I really came face to face. "What can I get'ch yall to eat?" I scribble down their requests going around the table until we meet the tall cute boy. I take a short breath trying to wave away my anxiety. I lean forward more. "And for you cutie- now or after my shift ends?" I ask my voice quieter than previously.

It was quiet for a moment, as the boys face filled with surprise and all of a sudden I was knocked backward and in a swift movement felt a freezing liquid pour down me. I blink a few times, looking down at the floor while processing what just happened.

"Don't fucking, flirt with my boyfriend." A harsh voice hisses. I jump while looking up at the shorter boy. He looked pissed. Like beyond pissed like- mess with my man and I'll fuck a bitch up. "Fucking slut." I blink a few times before smiling and standing up.

"Yes, My sincerest apologies sir." I state my hands shaking- I grip them tightly to regain control. Everyone had a look of disgust on their faces... disgust. There goes my tip. "I'll go grab some towel-"

"Briana!" The voice of my manager sounds. I jump, panic rushing through me. I struggle to regain my composure.

"Yes sir?" I ask shivering.

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