Part 2

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*Marina's POV*

Teddy was pissed off at that girl who was flirting with Leo. My older brother was only trying to get his mate to calm down. Hugging him close and giving him kisses on his cheek. "It's not a big deal Teddy."

Speaking of that girl. She was leaning against the little podium typing on her phone. "Look at her, probably complaining to Daddy or her shitty ass friends," Marc my ginger companion complains while glaring at her. The girl- Brianna or something.

I wanted to protect her- Like if I didn't then nobody else would. "Marc how can you really say such things?"

This grabbed everyone's attention. I didn't usually interject in their conversations much- I was mostly quiet background noise. "Marina- she's just your average slut. Did you see the way she let that manager touch her?" Teddy jumps in.

"B-but... I don't think so." I look away. My eyes gliding from her brown rugged sandals up her cream skin, watching how her red skirt hung her waist and her white button-up twisted and folded over her breasts. She had buttoned them up more since our encounter. Her curly golden blonde hair was still wet from the Pepsi- as was her shirt. She was goregous. Her eyes... they were a green- inticing like forest vines pulling you in wanting more. Why couldn't she have flirted with me? I would've gladly taken it!

Teddy didn't seem to know how to answer. Leo had his hand around Teddy's waist and his face close to his neck. Jon was next to speak up, he sat next to me- his chunky self. Not chunky like fat or anything he's just a really big gym rat. I don't think he has many other hobbies- well except magical girl animes... "Marina. Are you abnormally attracted to her?" He questions.

"Wh-what? Abnormally?" I repeat. My eyes glide over to her once more- my heart beating faster. "I-I honestly don't know... I just... She doesn't seem like a bad person at all... and I want her to smile- a real one! None of this forced smile bullshit! Who the feck is Nicole or Noah! And if she had flirted with me and not feckin Leo then I would've-" I cut myself off. Blinking at all the emotion I hadn't realized built up in such a short time. I look over once more only to find she was gone.

Leo gives me a serious look. "Mari- could she be your mate?" My heart pounds hard as I search out for her- she pops around the corner and I let out a sigh of relief. She was balancing our food and making her way over. It was rather impressive. We cut our conversation as she delt out our meals. She didn't meet any of our eyes and was no longer even forcing a smile.

Before she could place mine I speak- searching her eyes. "Why did you let him touch you like that?" She sets down my food softly and her face suprisingly heats up.

"I-uh" She struggles to find the words before leaning back on the heels of her feet. "He's my manager." She rubs her neck awkwardsly. "It's complicated, not something you should worry about." It was strange how her confidence dissipated. As if that confidence hadn't even existed before.

"He can't do that." I state grasping her hand she left on the table.

"So um yeah. You don' need to worry about the bill I got it, but do you wanna look over it to make sure I got everything?" She holds out the check while turning her right hand so I could see it. Her skin was surprisingly soft. I miss it.

"I hope you don't think this makes you any less sad." Marc sneer with a bored look. "Don't go throwing yourself at guys- news flash your not all that."

"Don't say that!" The I hiss back at him- showing my fangs protectively.

The girl forces a laugh "Yeah- yeah."

"Don't listen to him." I state turning back to her. "I-I mean yeah don't throw yourself at guys but um-"

"Briana- when you're done with that table you can clock out ~" The manager's voice sounds. My mate- um the girl jumps backwards at it.

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