7 - 💕 it's not rael

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2d woke up terrified that he was on-top of another person but then he remembered last night.

Was that real?

Only one way to find out.

He opened his eyes hesitantly and his jaw dropped.

He was on-top of THE Murdoc Niccals.

He blinked a few times.

Still real.

Murdoc's eyes fluttered open and 2d was frozen with panic.

"Ahh! I'm sorry! I promise I wasn't being a creep! I just can't believe last night happened!"

Murdoc laughed squeezing 2ds butt "No worries love," he smiled tiredly.

2d giggled giving him a peck on the cheek. In his brief panic he had completely forgotten how sweet Murdoc was.

"What do you want to do today?" Murdoc asked sitting up.

"Murdoc we have school," 2d laughed.

"Well at least it's Friday," Murdoc shrugged.

"Murdoc, it's Thursday," 2d laughed.

"Are you kidding?" Murdoc groaned "Why is school so long?"

2d laughed "The years almost over you'll be fine,"

"But I won't get to see you all day," Murdoc whined. 2d blushed.

"We can have lunch together,"

"I thought you wanted to be subtle,"

"You probably know somewhere people won't bother us," 2d smirked.

"Ya I know somewhere," Murdoc smirked.

2ds phone rang.

"Oh shit!" 2d said seeing his missed calls. "Hey Del," 2d said.

"Don't you hey Del me! Where the hell are you man? Russ is worried sick!"

"Is that him!" Noodle called in the background.

"How dead am I?" 2d laughed.

"Grounded for a week if you're lucky!" Del said "Where did you go? Why didn't you tell anyone,"

"I forgot," 2d mumbled. "I was hanging at Ace's with Murdoc and Snake, I meant to go home but I totally passed out," 2d explained.

"Ya I thought it was weird I didn't see them at Quinns,"

"How'd it go with Quinn?"

"So GOOD man! I'll catch you up at lunch,"

"Lunch? You're not eating with Quinn?"

"Nah man, bros before hoes. Just kidding I actually just really need to gush about her,"

"Fair enough," 2d laughed "see you at lunch," he said hanging up the phone.

Murdoc pouted at 2d.

"Stop that," 2d giggled.

Murdoc wrapped him in a hug and planted little kisses all over his face and neck which reminded 2d of last night which made him shiver. "You're so pretty," Murdoc whispered. 2d smiled and looked away. "I love your smile," he whispered kissing him deeper. "And you're eye- 2d. What's wrong with your eyes?"

"I got two black eyes from your distracted driving," 2d smirked "are they bad?"

"Pretty bad, but, your actual eyes,"

"What?" 2d panicked standing up "Wheres the washroom?" he asked looking around frantically.

"This way," Murdoc said leading the way. He flicked on the lights to the small downstairs powder room. The bulb was old and the cream bathroom was bathed in a yellow haze.

2d bent over the counter and looked himself in the eyes.

Murdoc couldn't help but check out his ass.

"Hey, my eyes are up here," 2d laughed "At least I think," he tried poking it. It hurt more than usual. It was now brimmed with tears, from being poked and from seeing his blue eyes now completely blacked out.

He tried to blink the tests away but one escaped rolling down his cheek.

"Hey," Murdoc whispered gently leaning over the counter beside 2d "what's wrong beautiful,"

"I'm not beautiful," 2d said "I look like a freak," another tear rolled down his cheek.

"I don't think you look like a freak. You're eyes look so sexy. They make you really stand out,"

"Murdoc I don't want to stand out. I've spent my whole life trying not to stand out," he said reminding himself of home again accidentally.

He could never go back now.

Another tear rolled down his cheek.

And then another.

And another.

Murdoc wrapped him in a tight hug, stroking the back of his head, neck and back.

"It's okay Stu, I promise," Murdoc said swaying gently "I'll protect you, nothing bad will happen, I promise,"

2d pushed the thoughts of home out of his mind deciding to tackle the problem he could still do something about. "And what about when you get bored of me? Huh? And I'm just the scary gay kid with no home and no friends,"

"2d," Murdoc said "Your family love you so much, I could tell when they called you, and when you walked into detention together and whenever you talk about them your eyes sparkle,"

2d winced and Murdoc realized he fucked up a bit by bringing his eyes back into this.

"Sorry I'm such a moron-"

"You're not," 2d sniffed.

"What I'm trying to say is your family loves you no matter what colour your eyes are and you've got me Snake and Ace too. And I promise you 2d I could never get bored of you."

"You better mean that Murdoc," 2d whispered drying his tears.

"More than anything I've ever said," Murdoc said kissing him gently. "I know that was a tender moment but I don't get to see you until tomorrow and even then you can't come over so-"

"Ya let's makeout," 2d laughed.

Ace's eyes fluttered open tiredly as light streamed into his room through the cheap blinds on the only window.

Last night was real.

Last night was fucking real.

And to prove it he was still naked cuddeled into Snake.

Cuddled into his boyfriend.

"I love you! I love you! I love you so much!" he whispered showering his sleeping boyfriend in kisses. "You're so perfect! I love you so much! You're my world!" he kissed him even more.

Wait he still had to brag to 2d and Murdoc.

And of course thank them for all their help.

But mostly brag.

Ace got up, got dressed and silently creeped out of his room and to no surprise 2d and Murdoc were making out in the couch.

"Guys I asked him out and he said yes! He likes me! He like actually, properly likes me. And we had sex! Like sEx! Like-"

"Ya we get it congratulations man," Murdoc laughed.

"He's so perfectly," Ace grinned "okay I'm done flexing I'm also gonna go make out with my boyfriend.

Snake woke up as Ace entered the room nowhere near as quietly as he left it.

"Morning sunshine," Ace smiled.

"Hey Ace," Snake smiled. It was then Snake noticed he was naked and remember last night. "Oh last night! You- I- We-,"

Ace laughed "Just relax," he said crawling back into bed with him.

"I'll do more than relax," Snake smiled.

AN sorry for such a long wait 🤷 hopefully it was worth the wait ♥️❤️💖💕💕💗♥️❤️❤️💗💖💖❤️❤️ I love you guys (say it back 😤)

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