Italia trip

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It started a normal day at Midgårds gymnasium. Sara packed her bag so she was beautiful like her friends Silje and Freja. Now we should not talk about them, but we will. Sara walked out the door. But her mother came running after her and said they had won in the lottery. "OMG MOM!!" Said Sara "How much have we won" Mom replied "$ 15 million" "Why the heck have you participated in an American lottery" Sara asked, "Isn't it illegal?" "No then sweet Sara, Little mother here Has control of things. Pack your stuff, we also go to Italy about ... hmmmm 10 minutes. " Sara thought a little "What about Silje, she must come with. Or maybe Freja "asks Sara" But better with them both !!! "Sara shouted at last "No for the damn then, they shouldn't spend our money," said Sara's mother and sighed deeply. Sara murmured and slammed the door of the house. She stood waiting at the front while it was raining, pling it was her phone. Sara lit it and saw that Silje had sent a snap of her who was in her new shirt. 

Sara took a picture of her who had been completely wet and sent it to Silje. 

Sara hurried back into the house to pack, it was so exciting. While she packed the facetime she straightened her with Silje and told her everything. 20 Min LATER, they had finished talking and she was now on her way to the airport. She made a note about what she was going to do during the holidays.


*eat ice cream 

* buy a lot of clothes

* swim in the pool

 she stopped, so she realized meeting marco she googled some sweet phrases you could say in italian, and practiced ciao il mio nome è sara You are good at Tik Tok. she thought she was really good, but her sister did not think "Sara ten so quiet" shouted her little sister "you are boring to listen to" "Now now you just have to relax. Sara just likes him, "her mother said. Sara took her head more down the phone and took in headphones, where he was just good at what Tik Tok was, and he was also very nice.

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