i ωσท'τ sαy i'м iท ℓσvє 1

42 4 10

"Okay you spork, I get what you're saying, but this is 'WAIT FOT IT'," Dillon stared at the taller boy, his fingers quoting the song. Alistor laughed at the boy as he shrugged. "Hey, helpless is better," he teased the shorter boy. He received a surprised gasp (he also loves helpless) and got a shove from his side.

They were at the bus stop, taking the last bus to their dorm. The whole gang lived in the same dorm. Chris and James already graduated, leaving Elizabeth, aka Mommy Lizzie, to take care of the whole gang. The whole gang adores her, cherishing every moment before her graduation, leaving them to live by themselves, God knows how (chaos will happen, believe me).

Alistor just looked at him and rubbed his side. "Every Hamilton song is valid," Dillon said looking at Alistor dead in the eye, making Alistor laugh. The laughter was cut short due to the bus arriving.

The gang usually go home together. Lucius complaining about linguistics while Kara exercises her patience by trying not to punch Lucius square in the face. "This is why mom doesn't fucking love you, Sergei," she always mutters. Elizabeth would plug in her earphones, trying to relief the stress of being a biomedical student. On the middle seats, you can hear Thia and Anya debating about anything they can think about. 'I wish they can ease the sexual tension and make out already,' direct quotes from Dillon before getting smacked on the back of his head by Thia. Ollie would join Lizzie and listen to music beside her.

That night, Alistor and Dillon was seperated because Dillon's professor held him back at last minute to discuss about them making a new play that summer. "Can't Professor Hidgens just let you go? He can text you right?" Alistor asked him while getting on the bus. "Don't blame me, your economics professor lets you out waaay more early than our class. Besides, I'm the Professor Hidgen's favourite student. I brought him groceries once." Both of the boys flopped on the nearest seats together. "Hey, it's a good thing to be the teachers pet. Besides, you know I only use that major as a shell for my dad. Linguistics  and creative writing are the love of my life."

"How's creative writing?" Dillon asked. Alistor, being the dork he is, took two classes, economics and linguistics. Not to mention the creative writing classes he was also taking. "It was nice. I still have to finish the big project though," he groaned. Dillon just patted him on the back while staring out of the window.

Alistor looked at the man beside him and smiled a sincere smile. He had waited for him while the others went off. An elder couple in the back looked at Alistor who was giving heart-eyes at Dillon. "Remember when we were young like that?" the elderly man kissed his wife's forehead. "Young love, oh you were always throwing heart eyes at me," the elderly woman leaned to her husband.

Alistor snapped out of his trance. He fished his earphones out and jammed to his playlist. Dillon lost interest on looking out of the window and was now staring at the tall british man beside him.

'You like him, don't you?' the little voice in the back of his head teased him. 'What? Seriously what are you implying?' Dillon asked himself. 'The way you look at him? The little butterflies that always flutters inside your stomach when you look at him? Honey, please do me a favour and don't be like the dense (Y/N) in fanfics, will you?' The little voice rang. 'Hush, shut up. I don't know what you're talking about.'

The bus finally stops and everyone went out, going to their own destinations. The two went down the road, enjoying the night together. "Do you ever think about what we'll do after graduate?" Allistor asked, "Not about our jobs, I mean like, our life."

"Well, working for broadway is whay I'm going for in terms of jobs, but life? To be honest I never thought of it. I mean I've thought about it in passing but not fully" Dillon admitted. "Firstly, a long term relationship sounds nice? Maybe a good apartment in New York too. I'll be those kind of aesthetic apartment whore. Well at least I won't be homeless and asks mice and birds for help," he laughed. "What about you, Al?"

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