angry boi

261 7 1

9:18 june 7th

I wake up too my phone blowing up all "hm?? whos texting me at this hour?"


they were all from stain

The previous night before i went on a date with izu and ended up going back to the l,o,v headquarters

I scramble to get my clothes on knowing im already in deep shit.

Im trying to get all your stuff as quickly as I can wake accidently waking up izuku "hey.....what are you doin?" He says yawing sitting up "i'm sorry but I have to go!" I Yell almost tripping multiple times "aww leaving so soon?" Izu is practically dripping in sarcasm
But of course I didn't answer as I were already out that the door and half a block away

I stood at the front door calming my nerves knowing that stain wouldn't be home cause he was on a patrol......or so you thought you open the door to stain "where have you been?!?" He yelled Getting up he put his hands on my shoulders looking worried "I'm sorry! I was out with friends but lost track of time and stayed at their house!" His face calmed down "well DONT do that again if you do tell me" he sat down Putting his hand in his hair "would you be so kind at so down to the corner store and pick up some milk and eggs?" Stain looked up I walked up to my room and grabbed my money and went out

I was halfway to the store when i spotted a certain blond boy
He of course didn't not notice me; i had walked in the store him following close behind you grabbed the milk and eggs making home back you had just passed by some trees
When a knife was brought to your
Neck " long time no see......villan" the knife had belonged to a bakugou
"Who you callin' a villain?" I try to sound as chill as possible the knife came closer to my throat "you know what you did...And as my job as a hero I need to take care of you " my neck is now bleeding "now isn't a villain the one who kills?"  My words are slick and low giving a threatening tone his knife goes back a bit leaving enough space to fit my hand through I grab the knife cutting my hand in the process on flinging it across  the forest floor my fist colliding with his face I kick him in the family jewels "your lucky I won't report you to the 'hero's' I'll be seeing you again and you know it " and with that I pick my bags back up having only cracked 1 egg.

midoriya x  male reader [villain au] red eyes ({REWRITING})Where stories live. Discover now