Chapter 8

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Turtle was hunting with Robin, Raven, and Crow again. Robin let out a harsh cry as he descended onto a rabbit, hooking his talons into it and lifting off with it. He dropped it again, and it's neck snapped as it reached the ground, then he swooped down to claim it again. "Great catch!" Turtle cooed. "Thank you." Robin dropped the hare next to the mouse he had already caught. Turtle felt a twinge of unfamiliar emotion, one her mother never showed. To Turtle, at least. Is this. . . What love feels like?

It was night, and Turtle got up from her throneroom. "Robin." She whispered gently. Robin looked up warily/wearily. "Yes, Queen Turtle's Dove?" "I just wanted to know if you'd like to check the borders with me." "Of course I do." "You don't have to if you don't want to." "I want to." "If you say so." The birds lifted into the sky and went to the marshy mountain borders. "You really are the greatest hunter in the Tribe." Turtle randomly remarked. "Thank you. . . And you're a very great Queen." As Turtle went over to see if Doe had crossed, she gently brushed her wing against Robin, who stepped back casually as if to check another border. "No signs. No loners, intruders, or. . . Exiled eagles." Robin said, deciding not to say 'the sister who you deformed,' which Turtle was most grateful for. When Robin turned to leave, Turtle beckoned to him with a wing. She laid down, her talons tucked beneath her and her chin tucked into her chest feathers. Robin stood beside her, watching the slope in front of them. "Robin's Feather." She said gently. "Yes, Queen Turtle's Dove?" Turtle hesitated, then said, "I'd like to see you in the throneroom by dawn tomorrow." "Very well, your majesty."

Turtle felt nervous as the dawn light broke out, castling rosy shadows over the throneroom. Robin appeared, his feathers sleek and shiny as if he had been preening his feathers all night and morning. "You're here." Turtle said. She went over and got a small rabbit, passing it to Robin. "You may eat." Turtle rasped. "Uh, would you like to share?" Robin asked. "Do you really mean it?" Turtle asked. She felt weird, being the Queen, and she knew this was an honor to him, but to her it seemed like she was normal and that Robin just liked her. "Yes, Your Majesty." Robin stepped back to let Turtle have the first bite, and she bent over and took a bite. By the time that the rabbit had been finished, the sun was beginning to rise. Turtle felt so strange and awkward alone with Robin, and she couldn't stop herself from saying this, even though it made her so anxious and nervous and shy. "Robin," she breathed gently. "Yes, Queen Turtle's Dove?" "Robin- I- I like you."

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