To new adventures part 1

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It's been five years since my mother dragged my father deep down into the ocean. It's been five wonderful years since he died and I became the pirate Queen.

It took some time to establish the new keep with new rules and a new leader. It was however their choice if they wanted to stay or not. Most of the men close to my father left as soon as they knew he was dead. A whole bunch stayed because they had no where else to go and the keep is a perfect place to be when you have nowhere to go or be.

"Where to now, Captain?" Kearan asked as he stood by the helm.

"Wherever you feel like this time."

Kearan gave her a big grin, "So it's that kinda day, huh?" and before he turned around I gave him a big smile, wider than it's ever been before, "Aye-aye".

We were sailing toward the horizon and the sun was about to set when Mandsy burst into my quarters, well, Riden's quarters too since years back, "Why, oh why, haven't you told me ANYTHING? You can't just walk around smiling like that and singing happy tunes, holding on enormous news! Me of all people on this ship should be told the second you know. Do you hear me?! I should be the one telling you the news.". I couldn't stop laughing. Mandsy joined me seconds later and sat down on the bed beside me, "I am however happy and excited for you. Have you told Riden yet?"

"That is the reason I couldn't tell you yet. I felt like Riden would be a good person to tell first but I guess he have to accept being the second, well third, to know." She nodded understandingly and hugged me.

The door opening made us release each other and also giving Mandsy a bright, mischievous grin when she saw Riden walking into the room knowing that he would get the news in a matter of seconds. Even though I had planned to wait a week or two just to be sure. How am I going to drop this little bomb... I do know he want a child, a little mini pirate, he won't be sad at least...

"Why did she smile like that? I've never seen that smile before... creepy." He whispered, Mandsy ignored it, Riden padded to bed and gave me a kiss on my forehead before settling down. Mandsy quietly closed the door behind her. 

"Have you seen how big Roslyn has gotten. She's only two years away from going on crusades with us."

Riden sighed and hugged me closer to him, "I know she's gotten so big, I'll miss having that little lass running around playing on deck." 

"She's not going away Riden, she'll still be here." I rolled my eyes slightly, so dramatic, wonder how dramatic he will be when the kid is actually his, "She's not dying."

"I know, but still. Kinda sad."

"Yeah, you'll have to wait two, almost three long years before we'll have another hooligan running around causing chaos on the ship. Well, we'll have trouble in nine months but not a running hooligan just yet. " I had a very hard time keeping myself from smiling.

"What are you– Wait..." The joy in his eyes was the purest thing I had ever seen in my life. Making it impossible to hide my own smile, "Are you.. Are we..." Tears began to slowly run down his cheeks. Making my own eyes water.


That night was pure love, joy and excitement. No one came to bother us until noon the day after when Niridia came in and demanded we tell the crew the news right now. She didn't want to wait a second longer. Mandsy must have told everyone something. I had tried to get out of bed for breakfast but Riden kept me in bed for a couple more hours. In the best way possible. Riden is really good at that... I'm not complaining though. He's taking very good care of me so to speak. Around noon both of us needed something to eat, I craved oranges. I never ever thought about how oranges were so delicious before. I want oranges now. Preferably a bucket of them. 

It was my mother that had told me the news when I visited her last week. Apparently a siren can sense another sirens pregnancy, something about the voice being happier and hopeful even though you cannot feel it yourself but everyone else hears it. Another thing was that sirens can only get daughters but since I'm part human I can have a son too... I was so afraid of having a child before, especially my own part-siren daughter, but now, I have my mother, I know how to be a siren and human, I can teach and help my own. The future looks bright no matter daughter or son. 

"Okay, everyone listen up!" I waved everyone on deck and told them to fetch the others below. Riden stood beside me and I felt his happiness pouring out of every cell in his body. 

"I could hide these news from you for about 4 months probably but I don't think Riden would be able to shut his mouth for that long so... We'll add a new crew member to this ship in about nine months. I haven't met the person yet but I do know she or he will fit right in." The crew gasped and cheered. Riden now stood behind me with his arms around my waist giving a kiss to my neck and then my cheek and whispered, "Marry me, Alosa."

I turned around gave him a kiss that already gave him the answer but added, "You'll have to do better than that, Riden." with a wink. 

"Aye-aye, Captain."

He cleared his throat, "Okay, I have another thing to say before you go back to whatever you did before." He took my hat and did the classic and went down on one knee, offering the hat as a substitute for the ring and asked again infront of everyone, "Alosa, will you marry me?" 

"Yes, Riden. I would gladly marry you. On one condition though," He raised an eyebrow in question, "Roslyn, could you plan the wedding? Mandsy could you make me a dress?" They both looked at me and then each other and nodded firmly. "Okay, I can now marry you". 

Riden lifted me up and kissed me like it was the first and last time, "I'm not done love, but I'll have to see you in our quarters for the rest."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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