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Everyone made their way to the hospital Blake walked in first to the ward to be greeted by some nurses.

"Blake! You're here" One little girl comes to hug her

"I told you I'd be here when I came last week" Blake told her.

"Now let's give there presents out" she got the out of the big sack.

"Look at all these decorations" Riley looked around.

"Blake came to help decorate brought lots of them, a lot of the children haven't been home in months she comes spends time with them plays games. Especially Maddie" the nurse told them as Blake sat with a little girl hooked up to many machines.

"Maddie, She is terminal sadly not going to see next year but Blake has made her smile and laugh again. She also paid some of her medical bills, her parents don't have that much money" the nurse smiled before walking away.

"I've got a special present for you Miss Maddie" Blake day on her bed as Maddie sat up.

"You got me a present!" Maddie asked excited.

"Of course" she picked up a present for Maddie.

"It's the art kit I've always wanted" Maddie got excited.

"Now I expect your amazing paintings and sign the bottom because they are going to be worth millions" Blake told her as she coughed.

"I got you something too" Maddie reaches under her pillow and got a bracelet that said 'best friends forever'

"I will wear it forever" Blake smiled and put it on. She looked outside the room to see everyone stood there and she invited them all in.

"Now Maddie these are my friends so try not to give them a hard time" Blake told her as she laughed. As everyone came in the room she looked to Jack and saw that he was on the verge of crying. He walked out of the room and Blake excuses herself to follow.

Jack came to a stop outside the ward where he leant against a wall with his head in his hands.

"Uncle Jack?" Blake asked as he looked up at her with tears in his eyes.

"She's around the same age as-"

"As me I know" Blake finished for him.

"It just all hit me you know, picturing you there" he pointed to the ward.

"But I'm not anymore. Nurses like them, doctors, dad and you are what got me out of there" she tells him.


"Yeah you, when my dad was gone you never left my side YOU made it fun, like an adventure. When mum died and dad was so sad it was you that took my mind off it. YOU uncle Jack are the reason that I'm me and that I'm still here. I owe it to you" she smiled at him as he cried and pulled him for a hug.

"Now it's still Christmas and we need to go back inside give the rest of these presents out to these children. In our amazing Christmas jumpers shall I add" she pressed the button on Jacks Christmas jumper making the fat Santa sing as they both laughed walking back into the ward.

Blake and Mac Where stories live. Discover now