7 》Tunnels

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Andrew sat by the lake. He'd invited pretty kuch everyone he knew over, and they'd search for Adam as much as they could.

Everyone knew Adam was alive. They knew he was alive, he just wasn't where they were looking. For the past four days the boys had split up into groups and searched, but always came back finding nothing.

As Tyler sat on a folding chair by the lake, he stared up into the sky.

I wish we could at least find something.


Adam awoke in an empty stone chamber. The bricks on the wall were uneven and cracked, some growing mould. Water dripped from the ceiling. The only light came from through the metal bars blocking off where a window would usually be.

It the sun was still up, slowly drifting down. Adam guessed there would be around four hours before nightfall.

"Hey." someone piped up.

In shock, Adam turned around. There were two metal beds pinned to the wall. They had no support, but this was Minecraft, after all. A girl laid on the top bunk. She had dark blue hair with a silver glitter-like substance in it, dark blue cat ears and hazel eyes.

"You okay? They tossed you in here about an hour ago. You weren't moving." she said.

"I'm fine." Adam lied. The images came flooding back to him. "Actually, no I'm not."

"Don't worry. We're all a little shaken up when we get here." she explained, jumping down from her bunk and landing on her feet.

She had a dark blue cat tail and wore a thin lilac sweater and a pair of blue jeans.

"My name's Adam." he introduced himself, holding out his blocky hand.

"I'm Star. It's nice to meet you." she sighed, bumping fists with Adam.

Neither of them said anything for a minute. Then Adam piped up. "You said your name was... Star?"

"Yeah," Star said. "Why'd you ask? We introduced ourselves a moment ago."

Adam ignored the question and returned one of his own. "You don't know anyone called Lilly, do you?"

Star frowned suspiciously. "Used to."

"I've been told about you."

Star gasped, her eyes lighting up. "You saw her? Did you see GB, too? How are they doing? They're alive, right?"

"I did see them. Both of them. They actually let me stay with them for about two weeks. Then Herobrine came and..." Adam trailed off.

"You're brave, saying his name. And?" Star continued.

"Lilly made it, but GB... wasn't so lucky." Adam pursed his lips, looking down. "But Lilly really misses you. She's gone literally mental, actually thought I was you, and she fainted a couple of times, too."

Star looked ready to cry. "Ah... I-I see..." her voice shook.

A metal door on the side of the wall swung open, echoing as it slammed into the wall. A Wither skeleton stood in the doorway. "Dinner." it said bluntly, its mouth not moving as it spoke. He pointed at Adam. "And you, the master wants to see you. Come with me."

Star obediently ran down the hall and out of sight. Nervous, Adam took a shaky step out of his cell. He looked around. This place was freaky.

The Wither skeleton laughed. "Scared, huh? Oh, master's going to love this." he teased.

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