Chapter Two:

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*Play the song if you'd like to*

Song: "U Got The Look" By Prince

It was exactly one week after I had seen the handsome stranger at the cafe. I hadn't stopped thinking of him since. He is ingrained in my brain, stuck there forever. 

I had clearly fallen hard, and way too fast. I was already into deep and he didn't even know. My friends even knew there was something up, and they were constantly bugging me for information. There was only one person I could tell and know that they could truly not tell him. The rest were either his friend or sibling. It was too risky.

But soon enough he knew. After about a month of us casually talking, I told him. Excitement flooded me. I was simultaneously freaking out but smiling. Soon he opened the message and responded. 


 "Yes. I really like you, Ethan."

"I really like you, Margot."

I remember shrieking and laughing all at the same time when I saw that message. I was incredibly happy at the time. 

We continued on talking, budding our relationship into something more. It was November when we met and talked. Months passed, the seasons changed. We never dated until January. It was a mutual decision. We both grew immense feeling for each other. We agreed that we had already been acting like a couple, so we might as well be one. 

It was January 12th, 2019 and we had been talking throughout the day. It was 7 pm and he messaged me saying that "he needed to tell me something". I instantly freaked out, but eventually asked what it was. I messaged my closest friend, Delilah and told her to be prepared for my freak out.

Ethan messaged me soon after and told me he loved me. I had never been happier. I had known I loved him since December, but didn't tel him since I was afraid. I didn't want to rush things. I told him I loved him too. We were an official couple from that moment on. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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