9/10 Thurs Nachos and Grandparents

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Hellooo, I decided to give the media thing a try so I did Splash Free by kokoko6891 which is one of my favourite piano covers by her.

Anyway so today was pretty good, I watched Persona 4 with Jorah again on the bus and I really liked our maths session because I got everything done (yaaay)!

In long mentor we started a mini project on what we wanted to do when we were older, which I completed about an hour ago woohoo.

Ooh and I forgot to mention but I started reading Blood of Olympus today!! [screams internally] and let me just say I have missed Jason sooo much. And like three people asked to touch it and read the blurb (people I knew) like haha no you are not touching my bae.

So anyway, as I was right we had to work on our music assignment today and I got a lot done until the last few minutes of class. One of my slides got dELETeD ugh.

Anyway wood was cool cos I got to put on my second coat of varnish on my stool. Now I just have to decide which thing I'm going to do next hmm... Should I do a fruit bowl or a chopping board?? Decisions decisions.

After that I had lunch and read in the library with Brianna.

Last period I had History and we worked on our assignment again (Student be Teacher) and we got the last two people in our group (Joe and Georgia) which caused a lot of trouble because we had to rethink what we were doing which was ew.

After school I had band (I play the clarinet :P) and we got NACHOS for our snack! (We get food before we start playing cos we're all hella hungry after our last lesson.

But the real bummer was that clarinets were on clean up duty ugh so we had to clean all the dirty cups and plates.

For our practice we played The Gandy Dancer, Barrier Reef, Hey, Soul Sister and Mission Impossible which was really cool but Gandy Dancer is boring and Barrier Reef is confusing but oh well.

Three other girls who are in band live where I live so we car pool and this time it was Amber's dad's turn to drive and when we got in the car an audio book started playing and it was THE LOST HERO asdfghjkl. It's totally understandable because Amber reads pjo and hoo so why not her dad?

But anyway when I was dropped off home my grandparents were there (wingsthatfly if you are reading this are you happy you don't have the toad for a week??).

It was okay I guess because I love my Pa and my Nonna isn't that bad, plus their dog Indie is sooo cute and adorable.

But yeah my brothers were so overexcited it kinda hurt to look at cos they love Nonna and Pa, like reeeeally love them.

I understand though cos we only see them at least once or twice a year because they live so far away.

For dinner we had the best beef strog and I just read the latest Shingeki No Kyojin chapter and OHMYGODWHAT.

So that was the day, if you read this ily.

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