Who is the dad?!: Part 4

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I wake up again wondering were I was. I remeber all those thoughts went in my head. I see jiggie, lily, and jabez with my dad all in front of my bed. "Yeah?!" I say with a confusion. They were talking. "Omg ur awake wr have been trying to wake u up you got back from the hostpital" Lily says. I remeber all the hostpital but then the words PREAGNAT romanged around my mind?! "PREAGNAT PREAGNAT?" I say out loud. "Yes ur preagnat!!" Lily says. Crying with tears of joy. "Why are you happy??!?!?" I say confused. "Im gonna be an aunt!" She say. "Im the 1 giving birth??!!" I say and start crying. "We finnaly found out who the dad is!!" Jiggie said. "Do you wanna know?!" My dad caleb asked. "Okay?" I say regretting that 1 word. "Ur.   Dad.   Of.   The.   Baby.  Is.     Alex.    Gunzman
!" Lily says. "Watttttttt?" I say.

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