Chapter 2

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He watched as the American was interrogated, his men usually got an answer out of their hostage straight away, they would find out who was chasing him, usually a Comescu and he would dispatch them, and sometimes it was a rogue KGB agent. Despite the fact the KGB had officially been disbanded, there were still people out to collect the bounty on his head.

He looked at the man hanging there, the despair in his face gnawing on his soul.

The man had been hanging there for three days and despite his best effort hadn't told him anything, he was strong this one.

"Tell me, what is your name?" He asked for what had to be the thirtieth time.

"Callen…my name is Callen."

"I don't believe you, you were told to use that name, someone told you."

The man on the hook shook with silent sobs, "My name is Callen."

"What is your first name?" He asked.

"Callen…it's just Callen." He insisted.

"Why are you looking for Reznikov?" he asked. Even he was tired, three days going around and around in circles but still the same reply.

"I need information….I need to know." Callen croaked his throat dry with the effort he had expended just trying to stay alive.

"What do you need to know?"

"Just…need to know…please…" Callen begged as darkness enveloped him again.

Nikita stood up and walking into the warm office area and took his coat off.

"I don't get it Sergei, he isn't like the others he's stubborn," he said picking up a glass of Vodka to warm himself with.

"He's been trained well Nikita, he's spoken in Russian, Romanian and American since he's been here. I cannot tell if he is Comescu, KGB or CIA."

"And the name…" Nikita said, his heart had broken at the name, "They knew, I hid my children so well, and they died, both buried under false names, He's the right age, and the eyes…my God, they are so…so…like mine…but he is dead, they obviously didn't know that."

He stood up suddenly angry, "This is a new tactic, I have to find out who he works for so I can send him back and they'll know to stop looking." He snarled.

Sergei sat next to his friend. "We did the right thing, saving those people you do know that?" he told him.

Nikita looked sad, as he was wont to do when talking about his family. "We did, and I was right to fall in love with Clara, but I lost so much and even now, nearly 40 years later they are still trying to punish me."

Sergei gave his friend a weak smile. "You saved hundreds of lives Nikita, you should be proud."

Nikita laughed, "Hundreds except the three that meant the most to me, the Comescu's killed my Clara, the CIA let her down because she had married me, you took my children to America and my daughter died at 11, and my son…my son disappeared in the system, we never found him. Reinhardt promised to stay in touch, but I lost contact with him, maybe this is my punishment, God has sent this Agent to make me pay for the sins of my past." He let a sob escape from his throat. "Do you think there is a chance?" he shook his head to dispel the notion.

He got up and looked out the window at the shivering agent.

"Cut him down." He said. "I can't do this anymore."

Sergei looked at the young man, "Maybe he'll talk more when he's warm."

Sergei hauled Callen into the warm room, he was blue and shaking. There was a large red welt around his torso where a copper wire had been wound.

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