Secrets Revealed

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Rachel's P.O.V

I'm honestly scared on how Frankie is going to react to Zayn and I being so close all of a sudden. Especially after what I told him about what he did to me in the past. I'm seriously stressing myself out for no reason. And why do I even care about what he thinks? I mean I've only known him for about 2-3 days. Why why why? That's one problem I've nearly always faced in life. My Mother has said that I'm the type of person who wears their heart on their sleeves. I take everything to heart and I sometimes trust people to easily. I just can't help it though. That is who I am.

Even though I do have this quality I know I am strong. I can deal with certain situations well. Sometimes I think better than others. I just hope that Frankie and Zayn can see that. That is one of my fears, that they will judge me as being weak and leave me because they don't think that I'm strong enough. I know it's kind of stupid when you think about it. I just can't help the way I act sometimes and it angers me how I can lose control so easily. But enough about myself. Damn, I keep on getting lost in my thoughts. Shit! I'm going to be late if I don't hurry!

I rush without eating breakfast. I race past my mum who is cooking. "Rachel! You haven't eaten breakfast yet!"

"But mum, I'm going to be late!" I shout back just as I get to the door.

"Well then at least take some fruit!" She says.

I sigh and role my eyes. I take a banana and rush out the door. I run to the bus stop. Luckily enough I got there just in time. I sit down on the bus and relax. I know that I'm going to be on time today.

When the bus stops at the next stop I feel someone sit next to me. I look and see Zayn with a bruise on the side of his face. I gasp at the sight, it's quite a big bruise. I see that he has a black eye and then a bruise on his cheek. His lip busted up. These weren't from this morning, but I know that they weren't from school because he didn't have them yesterday. The first thing I thought of was his Father beating him. I only thought about that because my Step-dad used to beat me
He even once tried to rape me but my mother came just in time. Now she's back with my dad, they both look happier now-

"Are you done staring at me now?" A voice interrupted my thoughts. I realised that I was still indeed staring at Zayn. I looked away and blushed.

"Sorry, I was just wondering where those bruises came from" looking away in guilt because I know that it's none of my business but I hear him sigh.

"Well, you know you're the first person to really care. Thank you, I will tell you. It's just that because I get into a few fights at school that I fight outside of school. Well that's not true. I hate it when people judge me because of my past. The past is the past there is nothing that I can do to change that. Some peo-"

I decide to cut him off.

"I get you Zayn, but I'm not one of those people. I know what it feel like to be judged because of who you hang out with, because of my past that will haunt me for the rest of my life. I feel like I can trust you with what I want to say. But I can't say it here. It's something I don't want anyone else to be aware of. It's like a dark secret that I wish to never be known to exist...."

I knew I was going in deep with all of this, but I really felt like him and I can relate on some sort of level...

(Time Skip to break)

"Hey Rachel, ummm so where do you want to sit for lunch?" I heard Zayn say behind me.

"Maybe outside? I really need to tell you something important. I'm sure it's going to help us trust one another more, well I hope" I sigh the last part out half hoping that Zayn didn't hear it.

"Yeah sure ok..... Rachel... does it have anything to do with what happened on the bus this morning?" He looks at me with a glint of fear in his eye's. I guess he's not really comfortable with the subject. Hopefully what I'm going to tell him will help him know that he is not alone.

I sigh. I really can't believe that I'm about to tell Zayn this, but here goes nothing I guess. "Yes Zayn it kind of does. But I just feel like there's more of a story as to why you got that bruise on your face." I look at him in the eye showing him that I mean every word I'm saying. I feel my eyes flash with concern for him.

He is going to be hard to crack... well let's just hope that all that I'm about to tell him won't go down the drain as completely useless in helping him.


Hey guys. Sorry this chapter is shorter then usual. But I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

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