Chapter 1

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"Coffee for Cat Grant!" the barista calls out. Kara rushes to grab the drink carrier from her.

"You don't look like Cat Grant," she hears a woman tease. Kara turns to see a woman with violet hair about her age standing near the drink pickup.

"Oh, no. My name is Kara. I'm Ms. Grant's assistant. But the drinks are finished faster and made better when they are under her name."

"That's smart. I hear she's quite the character. Downright nasty to anyone she doesn't completely love, which is almost everyone."

Kara snorts. "Ms. Grant is definitely picky about who she likes, but she isn't as bad as they say."

"Well, it must be true if her own assistant says so. I would assume that you get the worst of it."

"It's really not that bad."

"I'll take your word for it, then. You seem like the trustworthy type," the stranger says.

"Your coffee, miss," another barista says, handing her the drink with a charming smile.

"Thank you," she says with a smile. He goes back to work and she turns back to Kara. She turns her cup to her to show he wrote his number on the cup. "Men. They think all it takes to get a call is a smile," she laughs. "Well, you better get that coffee to 'Ms. Grant' before it gets cold. She hates cold coffee. And I better get going, too. It was nice to meet you, Kara."

"It was nice to meet you, too," she trails off.

"Skye," she fills in.

"Skye. That's a beautiful name."

"Thanks, I got it for my birthday," she says with a wink as she walks backward to leave. "See you around, Kara!" she calls as she walks outside, making the alien chuckle to herself.


"Hmm, the coffee is warm for once. I have to say that I'm surprised, Keira." Cat's eyes widen when she sees a figure walking towards her office. "Um, that is all I need, for now, Keira. You're dismissed." Kara turns to leave and sees Skye standing by her desk with a bright smile on her face.

"I should have known I would see you here." She lowers her voice when Kara sits behind her desk, "Although I could have sworn you said your name was Kara. So either you gave me a fake name or my mother continues to refuse to use people's actual names."

Kara's jaw drops. "Your mother?"

"Well, I'll see you later, Keira/Kara," she says with a grin before waltzing into Cat's office.

Winn slides his chair to Kara's desk. "Did I just hear that girl call Cat Grant her mother?"

"Oh, good. I'm not hearing things. She was at Noonan's this morning and she did seem to be very interested in me being her assistant. And she did say something about her hating cold coffee, but I didn't think she actually knew Cat. I especially didn't think she was her daughter!" 

"Can you," he trails off and gestures to his ear, asking if Kara could use her super-hearing to listen in.

"I will not eavesdrop on Cat talking to her daughter! That is a private conversation, Winn. Just look at Cat's face! She's as shocked as we are," she yells in a whisper at him.

"Okay, okay. I was just asking," he defends, holding his hands up in surrender before pushing his chair back to his own desk.

Winn was very curious about how Cat could have a daughter no one knew about. She was the CEO of the biggest media company, so all eyes were on her. He stares at the girl, trying to see the resemblance between her and Cat.

He blushes from embarrassment when she spins around to sit on one of the couches and meets his eyes. He quickly turns his gaze to his computer, attempting to pretend he wasn't staring.

Seeing him turn away when she saw him, Skye chuckles to herself. "Well, mother dearest, what do you say to having dinner with me to catch up?" she asks, turning her attention back to Cat.

Cat's eyes open in shock. "Oh, I would love that. Um, where would you like to go?" she stutters, surprised that her daughter wanted anything to do with her after so many years.

"I don't know. I've never been here before. You decide and text me the address. I'll meet you there. Dad did give you my new number, right?" Cat nods. "Awesome, I'll see you tonight then," Skye says, waving goodbye and walking out of her office.

Winn or Lose, the Skye Shines Brightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن