Larghetto affettuoso

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           The wafting scent of desperation drifted through the air of the sunset city. But there was only one thing on my mind and it was to run. Run as far away and don't look back. I can never look back now. I can never go back now.

Amidst my attempt to flee from that place I lacked the focus to see ahead of me. Thus, at full speed I ran. Until I stopped. Until I was stopped. By something. Some hard and yet...soft? Whatever it was my arms clung to it before the rational forefront of my mind could stop it.

I wept at this sense of warmth that I had been missing all my life. My arms curled tighter against what I held. And then I felt it. I drew a sharp breath and clung tighter--I would not dare look up--in shame of my behavior, because here I stood dirty, crying, and fatigued in a strangers arms, who, for all I knew could kill me where I stood.

The rise and fall of their chest against my head and their briefly elevated heartbeat (perhaps from being startled) sent me back into the harsh reality that had been otherwise known as my life.

Begrudgingly, my gaze ever-so-slowly lifted little by little. Now that I had regain my once lost senses a harsh metallic scent reached my nose. 'Blood', I thought. And another scent scent, foreign to me; it was sharp and stung my nose.

This stranger's suit was as black as a starless sky accentuated by a milk white shirt beneath. 'Fancy', came to mind. Finally, I stared up at a single amber pool that seemed hardened by the years. A shallow gasp escaped my throat; his eye looked down apon me. I saw amusement dancing in his eye. He tilted his head and looked down at me.

"And who might you be?"

His voice was like music. It rang in my ear like the most beautiful piece ever composed. The sound reverberated through my head. It was the most gentle anyone had ever spoke to me. Ever. Although I worried a little over that fact (why was he bloody and why did it not hurt?) my mouth struggled to voice out what I wanted and in this strange voice said, "Su-sushi."

I deadpan in embarrassment as the stranger moves back a little, laughing wildly. Though as he did so my arms acted as a brace and kept him close to me. I stiffened. "Sorry," I mumble letting him go. A grin remained on his face as the remnants of his laugh dies down. I could tell my face was flushed by how clammy I felt. Not only had I just hugged some stranger I also had to be unfortunate enough to screw up saying my name and trap him in a deathlock. God I'm pathetic. No wonder they kicked me out of the orphanage.

"So, 'Sushi'," the stranger continued,"I'm Dazai. Running somewhere?"

"No." Came my curt response. Wait why am I being so rude to this kind stranger? "Wait, wait. I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that." I said apologetically. "I'm not going anywhere in particular, not like I have anywhere to go anyway." I mumbled.

I wish I hadn't gotten kicked out of the orphanage. This was stupid. How would I survive living out here? I'd have to steal wouldn't I? Maybe hurt someone! B-but I don't wanna hurt people...Would I have to kill someone? Did the world have to be so cruel? I shouldn't be alive should I? I shouldn't have been born.

The curly-haired brunet hummed. I let out a shaky breath when I understood that he was, in fact, not offended. Seriously, how can this situation be any worse?

And, bringing my attention to him again I asked, "Dazai, a-are--" I struggled again to find my words. (Why is talking so hard?) "Excuse, Mr. Dazai I-I...well Mr. Dazai, sir, I was wondering wh-where you were going...,"

His eyes widened, "Me?" He pointed at himself. I suppose he was confused. Or surprised. "Well I'm on my way to a fancy dinner." Just then I noticed how hungry I was. "Are you going to tag along?" He added as an afterthought. "Oh and it's just Dazai."

Me? How can I do that? I mean, sure, I was hungry but I don't think I could barge in on some important dinner like that. They wouldn't want someone as worthless and useless as me. Though it would be rude to decline. Especially after Dazai was kind enough to invite me. "Alright," I answered slowly. I bowed low and continued, "Thank you very much, Dazai."

He shrugged, turning on his heels in one swift motion and walking away. I quickly followed behind him not wishing to be left. I lingered behind me but close enough so if I reached out I could touch him.

I studied Dazai, I wondered what was going to happen. I mean, again, for all I know he could be a serial killer trying to lead me to my death. He's bloddy for God sake! But hey, not like it mattered. I'm going to get fed before I die so it's a win for me! Unless the food was a lie...that would just be horrible. I could never forgive him if so, because that is a line that should never be crossed. Oh the betrayal, oh my heart! I sigh dramatically, a hand across my chest and my other spread out. Oh the humanity!

After walking for a bit Dazai stopped. And I mean he just stopped right there. I crashed right into his back.

"D-Dazai, what is it?"

He gazes at me for a moment.

"We need to get you new clothes," Dazai says. What? I glance down at my outfit. It may not have been a designer suit but it was something.

"You seem offended. We're going to a high class dinner that has a special dress code and you can't go in there looking like that."

I feel my face heat up. I really just got offended for no reason. I'm so pathetic. Why is he helping someone like me? I run my hand through my choppy hair in an attempt to cool down. "I'm sorry," I tell him honestly.


Ahhh a new book! It's been ages istg. I'm alive! (Sorta) so I've been getting in to bsd and I'm obsessed. Datsushi is one of my otps so I had to write. This is gonna be a short story, I'll update probably once a week or sooner.

Also, I must add Atsushi hadn't completely lost his shit yet so he's still able to make jokes and laugh. He's 13 and Dazai is 15. I had to make the age gap a little smaller.

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