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           "Sushi, try this."

I peek my head around the mannequin dressed in an expensive suit to see Dazai holding out an outfit to me. It was tiresome, trying on all these outfits, but, I've never been spoiled like this in all my life.

"Dazai, it's Atsushi," I whined lightly. It reminds me of how stupid I sounded back there. Ugh don't call me that.

"I prefer Sushi," he stated, shoving the suit into my arms. "Try this on, I think it'll look good."

I nodded. Then I slunk towards the dressing room. On my way there I glanced back at the line of expensive suits, shoes, socks, ect. I never thought I'd find myself here. I really don't belong in a place like this. It's ridiculous honestly.

I huffed. I'm a nobody who was forced out of an orphanage and now I'm standing in a designer store trying on clothes that are worth more than my life.

I focused how I looked in the mirror. The suit was comfortable, I had to admit. It hugged my thin frame and kissed my skin.

I walked out looking for where Dazai went.

"Sushi, you look good!"

My face flushed. He complimented me? Seriously? Well that's new. No one told me it felt so good for someone to say something nice to you! It really was a shame I didn't deserve it. The people at the orphanage made it clear enough.

Third person p.o.v

"Stupid waste of bandages why the hell did you bring a brat here?" Chuuya screamed glaring at the idiot most (usually besides him) called Dazai.

Dazai grinned his stupid smile at his partner (who looked as angry as ever) as he pulled a small Atsushi to his side. Chuuya had to be the most annoying person on the planet! At least that was what Dazai thought anyhow.

"Because I just found him and he's pretty interesting!" Dazai yelled back now pushing the boy forward to face the scrutiny of Port Mafia higher-ups.

"That doesn't answer my question ya damned suicidal lunatic!"

Atsushi flushed. His eyes darted across the room. He looked at each person just for a second before his eyes met the floor.

"Now now, ugly hat, you're making poor Sushi nervous--"

Chuuya had already leaped into an attack on Dazai. A kick in his direction that was avoided. Atsushi did not know how to respond to the situation. How did anyone expect him to get between those two who seemed ready to kill each other at any second? That would be suicidal. At least for him.

As Dazai was about to respond with his own 'display of affection', their boss interrupted.

"This is a restaurant. Let's try to be civilized," Mori laced his fingers as he smirks at his subordinates.

"Yes, sir." Chuuya said.

Dazai nodded.

Chuuya let go of Dazai's jacket as Dazai did the same. Atsushi exhaled, thankful for the fighting to stop. The two teens righted themselves, fixing their clothing and assuming their seats. Dazai looked bored now but Chuuya was still ready to fight at the drop of a hat.

Atsushi stood ackwardly at the edge of the table next to Dazai. He wasn't sure if he was allowed to sit or even be there for that matter (and by the way this 'Chuuya' looked at him it was clear he wasn't) and his introverted nature made it all the more impossible to be comfortable.

Mori wondered at his pupil, "Are you trying to recruit him into the Mafia?"

Dazai looked between Mori and Atsushi. "If he wants to." Dazai replied. "He had said he was hungry and I was basically on my way here so it was a convenient coincident."

"Tch. What the hell does 'basically' mean?" Chuuya snapped.

Dazai didn't bother to answer. Chuuya clenched his teeth barely holding back the urge to leap across the table and strangle him.

"Ah I see," chuckled Mori. Atsushi looked up at him curiously.

"Mafia?" Spoke up Atsushi. "As in Port Mafia?" The boy questioned. At least that explained why Dazai was bloody. But dear goodness he couldn't join the mafia! There was no way he could hurt people...but then again, Atsushi thought. How would he survive on the street? And now that he knew about them they wouldn't let him go.

Atsushi may not have been the smartest but he didn't have another choice in the matter. 'Fate had decided itself' he thought.

Before anyone else could answer his (stupid) question Atsushi was already talking again. "I-I want to join!" He stammered looking at who the 'Chuuya' person referred to as 'sir'.

A young women dressed in a black and white gown that mimicked a  traditional kimono scoffed at the young boy.

Mori smirked at the child, "Oh?" He responds with an air of innocence. At the very least dealing with children was far easier than adults. Thirteen and under especially. That was the prime age of naivete.

"Is that so?" He continues, humming at the boy. A bit of unease travelled through the others seated at the table save for Dazai. He nodded then verbally reaffirmed.

Atsushi noticed a little girl about his age coloring on a piece of paper. She eerily smiled at him.

"Alright then, what's your name?"

"Atsushi. Nakajima Atsushi."

"Well then Atsushi, welcome to the Port Mafia."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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