Chapter 6: Exploring

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January 6, 2004

     I got wasted at my company's New Year celebration party. According to Mr. Florence, I was all over Ellie and loving on her a lot. I normally do that, so I have no idea what he meant by that. Ellie apparently got scared because of the fireworks, because she crawled around the apartment crying. I feel bad about that. How can I make it up to her?

     I didn't know how hungry I was until the artificial cheesy smell wafted into the sticky, humid air. Gabe apparently smelled it too because he came waddling into the kitchen. He stuck his flat belly out, pretending to be chubby and walked like a pregnant lady to the bar stools.

     "Where is thyn foodies?" He said in a ridiculous English accent. Both me and Connie snorted at his foolishness as he climbed up the barstool to sit.

     "It's coming, your majesty." Connie turned around and bowed to him. "Thy Mac & Cheese is thyn feast today!" Connie mimicked his terrible accent as she turned back around to stir the noodles in the cheese sauce. Two empty boxes laid right in the middle of the island as she brought the pot and two bowls over. She knocked one aside with her elbow and then grabbed a pot holder from the cabinet drawing. Plopping the pot down, she got a big spoon and a few forks for us. When I got my fork, Gabe was already piling the Mac & Cheese in his bowl.

     "Woah there. Save some for us!" I commented as he went in for another scoop. He just nodded, got another scoop, plopped it into his bowl, and gave the spoon to me. There definitely wasn't enough for both me and Connie. "Hey, Connie, you can get yours first." I commented. My stomach rumbled in protest, but I ignored it.

     "Oh! You don't have to do that. I'll make myself a sandwich." She said, going over to the fridge.

     "Are you sure?" I asked while looking over my shoulder to the smacking noises Gabe was making.

     "Yes, it's fine. I'm not that big of a fan of Mac & Cheese anyways." She chuckled. I shrugged and scooped the rest of the noodles out. As I stabbed some noodles with my fork, from the corner of my eye I saw Gabe eating happily. With his mouth open. Just smacking away at the noodles. I get annoyed pretty easily when people smack their food, especially when they have their mouths open. I wanted to say something, but I thought of his perspective on this. I just came into his house uninvited and his 'friend' doesn't like me. I had a feeling I would have to get used to this.

     "Yummy! Thank you, mommy!" He exaggerated. He was grinning ear to ear when I looked at him. Looking back down at our bowls, I noticed his was all gone, while I was only halfway done. Connie turned around from the fridge with a few items in her hand.

     "Your welcome honey, but don't talk with your mouth full. It's bad manners." She said, almost in a reminding tone. He swallowed and gave out a 'sorry'. As he finished, I expected him to jump down and go back into the living room, but he sat there kicking his legs at the air. He was looking around the kitchen, almost studying it. I ignored it and went back to my Mac & Cheese. Gabe watched Connie make her sandwich, almost studying her every move. I thought it was weird at first, but then he flinched, shook his head, and grabbed her phone that was sitting in front of him.

     "What? I do that sometimes!" Gabe commented, catching my eyes. I didn't realize I was staring.

     "Sorry. It was just weird, that's all." I mumbled back. I went back to eating my food as Gabe played Connie's phone. Scooping up some more noodles on my fork, I lifted them into my mouth. Some fell back to into the bowl, but a few landed on my shirt. I made a displeased moan and picked up the noodles from my shirt and tossed them into my mouth. I didn't see the point of wasting the noodles, even if they fell onto my shirt. Unless something liquidity or sticky falls into the ground, I'll most likely pick it up, brush it off and eat it. I wasn't that afraid of germs or, as my mom called it, the excuse to stay home. I never really got sick, so I was a bit cocky about that. Finishing my bowl fast, I go back into the small bathroom and swipe the hand towel. I dipped a corner of it under the faucet and turned the cold water on and off in a second. Rubbing the towel over the cheese, my shirt still proudly showed the stain. I put the towel up and walk out of the bathroom defeated, now spotting a huge wet area around the stain.

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