The Stranger- part 2

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1 day before:

Frankie, AJ and Daniella flopped down on the couch, popcorn in hand. “Let’s do this!” Frankie exclaimed excitedly as AJ grabbed the DVR remote, and hit play starting the movie night with their all time favourite- “The Little Mermaid”. After watching their fifth movie, getting three popcorn re-fills and draining a two litre bottle of both Coke and Fanta, the three decided to call it a night and Frankie departed saying that she couldn’t spend the night because, “her mother wanted her home”. The house phone started ringing shortly after Frankie left giving the twins a fright. After letting it ring for a short while as they composed themselves, AJ dove for the phone before the caller could hang up, “Hello?” he answered, ”Hi dear, it’s Frankie’s mom calling,” the voice replied, “Oh, hi Mrs Davis what can I do for you?” AJ queried politely, “Nothing really, I just wanted to check up on you kids and see if your parents don’t mind Frankie staying over again. It’s just that I have another night shift at the hospital and I wouldn’t like for her to stay home alone, it’s so danger-“ AJ cut her rambling short saying ,”You know Frankie’s always welcome here Mrs Davis, so don’t worry about it,” sweetly,” Thank you, dear,” Mrs Davis said warmly before rushing off. Danni gave AJ a questioning look and so he relayed the conversation to her in answer, “So...then where is Frankie now?” she asked confused before they proceeded to call her cell phone but unfortunately their minds weren’t put at ease because their calls went to voicemail. Although curious they just shrugged it off and headed to their rooms.

The day of:

AJ gently placed his hand on Daniella’s stiff shoulder, guiding her taut frame away from the crowd that had gathered to feed off of their lives for gossip, as per usual of course. Now don’t think AJ wasn’t mad because he was beyond mad, but, one of the twins had to keep their composure and it wasn’t going to be Danni. Now you’re probably wondering what happened to cause this commotion, well, to put it simply- Vic Trinity happened, and where he goes, trouble is bound to follow.

An hour ago:

Danni ran into her twin’s room and jumped on his bed, landing with a thud and thwacking him on the forehead in greeting “rise and shine sleepyhead,” she cooed. AJ rubbed his forehead and swatted at the air around them.

Eventually when they had both finished eating breakfast, saying goodbye to their parents, they walked out to their Jeep, hopping in and heading to school with big smiles. “The weather’s nice out,” AJ commented casually, ”yeah, it’s pretty warm, maybe we can go to the park later,” Danni suggested, “sure, we’ll ask Frankie just as soon as we find out where she was last night,” AJ finished just as they pulled into the school’s parking lot.

Upon entering the school they noticed the hallways practically buzzing with all the excited and curious whispers. As they passed, people would turn to look at them as if waiting in anticipation. They were confused to say the least but in a matter of minutes they’d realize why. Vic Trinity’s new girlfriend, it didn’t take a genius to figure out where Frankie was last night now. Anger boiled up inside of them as Frankie gave them a smug look before turning to strut off with Vic but Danni reached out, grabbing her wrist and effectively stopping her. It all exploded out of her verbally, her anger was expressed and its victim was Frankie. Frankie looked shocked at the outburst as she stood there, that was understandable as Daniella was, usually, a relatively calm person.

“Wow, not even an apology? Well, good just lost your best friends, and all because you decided to be selfish and choose Vic over us even though you know what he did to us, feel proud yet?” AJ seethed.

So who’s Vic Trinity also known as “Trouble”? He’s a devil’s spawn, he hurt Danni and AJ indirectly through his twin’s pained heart. Vic Trinity was the reason Danni had spent two whole weeks holed up in her room just a couple of months ago, even going as far as to block her twin out, Vic was responsible for a rough patch in their relationship and the hurt they’d felt. He led Danni on, telling her he loved her, presenting her with a promise ring, he got on her parents’ good side and they all loved him but he never really did change his ways. You see, a week after he gave Danni the promise ring she had a birthday party and the whole senior class was invited, that was also the night that Vic cheated on her with some random, the night they broke up, and no, Vic wasn’t alcohol induced but he, a lying, heartless jerk. Needless to say AJ went to beat him to a pulp and the jerk had the nerve to fight back. Hate. That’s what all the Wyatt’s felt towards Vic Trinity and of course Frankie did too, or at least they thought she did. Nope, she thought dating the jerk and earning a place at the top of the schools popularity charts was more important than her best friends, how very cliché. You think you know a person but in some cases, like this one, you realize that they’re strangers- they aren’t who you thought they were, you don’t know who they’ve become.


The truth is, their eyes were opened with this realization and, all though they couldn’t quite let their trust go as easily as before, people do say everything happens for a reason and they chose to be optimistic. The twins’ bond grew stronger and they learned some valuable life lessons.

Betrayal is very real and it hurts. A lot. But, the thing is,

Life. Goes. On.

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