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There are thousands of different ways I've thought of starting this story but I can never figure out how I want it to go. Should it be this thought out sentence, phrase, quote, onomatopoeia? Should it be the beginning, the truth? I don't know. I write different openers frequently but it always ends, never feeling right. Every time I question the authenticity, the perfect-ness (if that's a word) of the story. Did I begin with the most important, attention-grabbing, information, utilizing diction and getting my point across with the maturity and transitions I expect this story to have? At this point, if you're still here I commend you. And at a loss for the right words, I should probably start off with my name; introduce myself. Hi, my name is Douglas Braxton and boy did shit go down. At this point so much has happened... You'd easily get confused.
Anyway, ill stop stalling, when this shit show began, I was 17 and my nickname is Dougy. I grew up in florida, a state full of a rich, retired, and entitled population. Which actually is fantastic if you live in an orphanage because unlike elsewhere, it's well funded, has decent staff, and Florida's upper-class can easily afford long term adoption. Maybe out of pitty but still, it's not a raw deal.
Consequently to how they are described in movies I, an orphan, don't have any tragic backstory or upbringing that inevitably caused me to end up in this orphanage. Nor was I treated inhumanely while living in the Ashton Stewert children orphanage. My mom had a teen pregnancy with my dad and they weren't (mentally/financially) ready for a child in their life. Both of them decided against abortion and once I was born they put me up for adoption. Long story short I lived at Ashton and attended public school till I was 17, after my junior year in high school I was adopted midsummer by a couple; Tim and Isabel Cameron. Whom appear nice but one glance to the eyes easily reveals they are keeping secrets. Secrets that I found out...

Little did they know I have my own secrets to keep

Douglas BraxtonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz