acorns - kim hongjoong

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It was a typical Friday night; your parents had just left for date night and you were popping some popcorn ready for your weekly movie night. The music from your phone blasted through the house and you danced around like an idiot while the kernels warmed in the microwave. This was your form of therapy. 

After making a family sized portion of the sweet and salty snack, the best flavour, and a big glass of juice for the inevitable dehydration the salt will bring on, you headed upstairs and into your room. After closing the curtains and turning off the lights you snuggled into bed. Netflix was already set up on the screen, now it was just time to choose your poison.

"Okay, horror... hmm Get Out looks good, good reviews, but romance won't scare the shit out of me," you mused out loud, scrolling through your options. Just as you were going to select the horror you heard a thump somewhere from in your house, taking that as the sign you needed you chose the romance and put on To All the Boys I've Loved Before, to quell the nerves of being home alone.

The movie opened and you heard another thump, choosing to ignore it once again you closed and locked your bedroom door, feeling marginally safer. Not even two minutes later there was a continuous thumping, now coming from your bedroom window, giving you a heart attack and making you bolt out of bed.

"Y/n I am trying to be cheesy can you please notice me!" your panic immediately subsided, filled with relief and annoyance as you stomped over to your window, stepping out onto the balcony only to be greeted by a smiley, Hongjoong sat in the oak tree outside your window with a handful of acorns.

"You scared me half to death you idiot, why can't you just text me?" you moved aside as he gracefully leapt onto the balcony beside you.

"I did  text you, your phone is on silent," he sauntered into your room, dropping on the bed already eating some popcorn, "As per usual," earning him a playful kick to the shin, "What gross romcom are we watching this week?" He kicked off his shoes, letting them fly into the corner of your room.

You dropped back onto your bed next to him, both of you getting comfortable, "To all the boys I've loved before, also I thought you had dance practise late tonight?" your hands bumped as you both reached for popcorn at the same time, he yanked his hand back as if you had burnt him.

He readjusted himself to be sat more upright, "Uhh, yeah, but then I saw a damsel in distress in a big house all by herself and thought it was more important for me to be here. Besides someone needs to save you from your awful dance moves,"

You whacked him with a pillow, "You saw that! Oh my God, you creep!" he laughed as you continued your assault.

He caught the pillow, hugging in close to his chest, "Y/n, you've always been the brains, I've always been the dancer, that's how this age old relationship works," you rolled your eyes at him and continued watching the movie.

Everything was fine. Well, right until Lara Jean and Peter shared the hot tub moment together. The room felt oddly tense, it wasn't the fact that you were watching a make-out scene, because that's happened multiple times before, but mainly because Joong was acting weird. He was fidgety, nervous even, and it was starting to ruin your weekly movie night.

You switched off the movie, "Hey, why'd you-"

"Nope, we're watching something else you're acting too weird," you scrolled to the action genre looking for something else.

He sighed, catching your attention, "Here, let me pick," he took the remote and switched the app to Spotify instead.

"We're listening to music now?" you said, moving the popcorn off the bed, seeing how it wasn't going to be needed anymore.

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