7. The cocky brat (NSFW)

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It is a small hot spring outlined with rocks, where small trees stick out from scattered bushes. 

Brett takes a while to recover from realization, closes the door quickly, and walks to sit on the end of the bed. He falls back and covers his face with his hands. 

Stop thinking about weird things Brett, he thinks to himself as he tousles his hair with a frustrated groan, it's just a fucking hot spring

Five minutes later, one of the hotel staff brings up dinner. She hands Brett the trays of food, flashes an undecipherable smile at him, and politely says "enjoy". 

As Brett arranges the food, Eddy walks out in a black yukata with a towel on his head.  He walks in sturdy steps towards Brett and kneels on one knee before the smaller man. 

"Dry my hair for me?" Eddy asks with a wide grin. Brett rolls his eyes and sits next to Eddy on the carpeted floor. He begins ruffling Eddy's hair with the towel, as Eddy fixes his tender gaze on his face. Meanwhile, Brett tries to focus on Eddy's hair, avoiding eye contact by all means. 

Eddy grabs his wrist all of a sudden. "Promise me you'll never show this side of yours to anyone else?" 

Brett is confused, "what side?"

"This shy, flustered Brett that doesn't know where to look," Eddy chuckles. 

"Don't know what you're talking about—" 

Eddy swiftly takes the towel from Brett's and wraps it around Brett's head to pull him close. He plants a soft kiss on Brett's lips and holds still for a while, and French kisses him a bit more. Then he pulls away with a victorious smile and stands up as he looks down at Brett, who's a bit breathless on the floor.

"Now that's a little punishment for every time you lie, Brett. Let's have dinner?" 

Brett gives Eddy a glare. 

*   *   *

They finish dinner quickly, which is a pretty nice meal except Brett feels that his plum wine tastes a bit weird. They lay around for a while before Eddy sits up and gestures his head to the sliding door, "wanna try out the hot spring?" 

"Yeah, yeah, of course, why not," Brett acts cool and shrugs a bit. But deep inside he is panicking. 

Like major panicking. 

He is having a boner right now. 

He has no idea why. All he did was laying around, scrolling through Instagram feed, and then he got hard. Out of nowhere. He adjusted his position on the bed so that it's fully covered by the baggy yukata, hoping that Eddy didn't see it. 

But what is he going to do now that they have to get naked for the hot spring?!

"C'mon, Brett, just taking off your yukata already," Eddy's already in water as he calls out to Brett, who's toeing a rock at the trim of the hot spring. 

"Uh, turn around, don't look this way yet," Brett fidgets. 

"Seriously? After what happened this afternoon and you still want me to look away? I can see you naked even when closing my eyes you know—"

"Goddammit, just do as I say," Brett groans. 

"OK, alright," Eddy lifts his hands as he says and turns around. 

Brett quickly takes off the yukata and slides in the hot spring. He gasps at the heat, secretly hoping that the heat will ease his boner, but he's just getting harder. 

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