Visiting Adrien

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Marinette pov:

I don't know why I did it, I just did. I mean he looked so sad, but did I really have to kiss him. Tikki flies out of my bag, "What you did for Chat Noir was really sweet Marinette." I smile and nod as we enter the bakery. My parents are on a trip and left me in charge of the bakery, so I don't have to worry about hiding Tikki, "Marinette, are you sure your going to do it tonight?" I look over at my red kwami and nod.

"Im sure Tikki, If I can't see Adrien today I might as well see him tonight, as Ladybug" Tikki nods and I head over to my computer and open the Ladyblog. Ayla has kept this up for two years now and is no where near finding out who Ladybug is, or should I say finding out i'm Ladybug.


Marinette pov:

    It's nighttime now and I don't know why I thought I could do this. I was there, outside his window and he was there crying, "No one gives a damn about me!" I heard him scream. I took a deep breath and knocked on the window. He came over and nearly fell over, "L-Ladybug W-What are you doing here?!" I smile and nod at the window, "r-right." he says letting me in, tears stain his face, I can see the Ladyblog open on his computer.

    "I heard it was your birthday today Adrien." I say smiling. He looks at me confused.

  "How did you find out?"

  "I heard one of your classmates talking about it, a girl named Marinette." he blushed, "She was talking, and I overheard her say how overprotective your dad is, and well I wanted to surprise you." he steps closer hugs me.

  "Thank you." he says hugging me, I head back to the window but a firm grip pulls my wrist back, "please, can you come back tomorrow." I nod as I leap off into the night.


Adrien pov:

    I look at my window as Ladybug leaps into view, "I can't believe it she came back." I unlock the window and she leaps in, "H-hi Ladybug." I smile as a blush spreads across my face. She walks over and sits on my couch.

    "So, what do you want to do?" she ask motioning for me to sit next to her. I can't help but blush as the thought of us kissing paints a clear image in my mind. I sit next to her and I pull out some controllers.

    "You any good at ultimate mega strike?" she nods and grabs a controller. We play for hours until we realize it's 2am. I unhook the game and walk Ladybug to the window, "c-can I try something?" I ask her my voice shaky. She nods and hops back onto the floor. I give her a kiss on the cheek and backup. She walks up to me, and stands on her tiptoes. Her lips pressed against mine and my hands wrap around her waist. Is this really happening? Is she really kissing me? We pull away for a breath and she jumps back. She starts running to the window, but I call after her, "Ladybug, wait!" she turns around, "I'm sorry!" she walks over and I hug her, "Thank you for visiting me, and I understand if you never want to come back and-" her voice cuts me off.

"Adrien don't worry, I enjoyed the kiss." and with that she leaped off. I walk over to my desk and pull out the picture Marinette drew me, I let out a sigh as I set it down and flop on my bed.

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