7. Moonside Hopes.

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Do not tread on the innocent dandelion field,

And smear the pristine petals with your sin,

In the moonlight they shine the brightest they can,

To hopes of a world with peaceful kin.

Do not lie to the all knowing mother,

Who bared her soul to feed your hunger,

While you couldn't face your fears, she embraced your demons,

Accepting everything you are, and will be in the future.

Do not make light of the worker's toil,

Who burnt in the sun to nourish the soil,

To feed everyone, and lastly himself,

And feed with his life, lest the food be spoiled.

It is cruel - this world,

Where the stronger survive,

Where a word can turn tides,

And cause millions to die.

But every moon has his dark side,

For every sun guiding him -

Sharing his light.

So be that one person that threw in the rope,

For the traveler trapped inside,

His Moonside Hope.

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