Next Time, I wont through my heart away

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10 years and this how he repays me, after all the things I've done for him... the sacrifices I've made just so him and his damn "business " could be happy and I never not even once bothered to ask what it was he did. I didn't have to...... I knew what he was from the first day I met him.... I saw it in him.... I saw it in his grey eyes..... his smile.....the way he looked at me......I Just knew he was trouble..... but Veronica insisted on me to  give him a try........ and like a fool I did.... I should've listened to my momma, "He's not for you Nyla go and find someone else baby that boy ain't gonna do nothing but hurt you ".....and like the nieve little girl I was, I definded him; "Mama Kirk is different, he love me... he won't hurt me "

And now look at us.... 5 years later and Im sitting here in a police station playing 21 questions with a damn detective all because his stubborn ass don't like to he's in trouble, and I got to be dragged down with him...... all I can think about is my babies they're only 3 they don't deserve this.... soon as I get out of here, Im taking me and my babies and we are getting out of here. For good this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2014 ⏰

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