Emma's Story

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"I'm here today to tell you all a story,"
I look out to the room full of her.
Her friends, her family, her everything,
"about Emma."

Everyone's eyes
Fixated on me,
"Don't worry," I assure,

"It's a happy story."

What I said,
It must have passed the test.
Because through my forest of nerves,
I thought I saw a few smiles.

"Emma has been my best friend
Since before we understood the term.
One thing everyone always said was: 
That girl's goals are high!

"And higher and higher those goals got.
Straight A's.
Attendance perfected.
Extracurriculars and Clubs?
Done. And done."

I laugh in remembrance
A memory of a time that was simple
Plays a melody of youth in my head
As my words carry out through the room

"Even in college,
She kept these goals tall.
Top of her class
And a job offer when she was done.

"She became a surgeon.
She married.
Fostered kids.
Emma has done so much with her life." 

I take this moment
To read the crowd
And as expected
They look bored

"But this is not the tale
I have came to tell."

The cards come out.
A smile falls on my lips.
And I begin with the basics:
"Emma. God, what a goofball. 

"But that's okay.
So am I.
That's the reason
We became best friends. 

"I remember the age fourteen
When we dyed our hair blue
So that way our mothers
Would take us to get pixie cuts. 

"That was all her.
She's always been
the bold one.

"Then there was age sixteen,
And she had a crush on this boy.
So when he hosted a party,
Naturally we had to go.

"She lost interest quickly
And we partied
Like there was no tomorrow.

"She glowed that night.
Emma was rocking this
Hideous Green Sweater
With a skirt and boots.

"On her, it became
The cutest top
Anyone had ever seen.

"But life wasn't perfect.
Life will never be perfect.
The age of seventeen for Emma
Was far from perfect.

"Her parents' divorce
Was the opposite
Of perfect.

"But Emma marched on.
She had down days.
And she reminded everyone
They could have them, too. 

"For her,
It was okay
To not be okay.

"And Emma,
Ever the achiever,
Made Valedictorian.
And her speech blew the crowd away. 

"If you all don't mind,
I'd like to read
A piece of it:

"Part of me wants
To tell you to be
But the full me wants
To tell you to be

You are in charge
Of your life.
Do what you want
With it.

It is your life.

So go.

And be

I look around
At the room
Full of Emma
And let them soak her words. 

"That was toward
The end of the speech.
I will come back
To the last bit.

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