part 1

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"oh no shes gonna kill me" elora said as she heard her aunt call out to her.
She scrambled to find her dress and heels. As she did this she tripped over her blue 4 inch heel and fell right at the bottom of her aunts feet.

"Elora how many time do i have to tell you you are not to be running outside of the castle?"

"But aunt oli.."

"Not another word. You are a princess and are not to be out getting all sweaty and dirty. You are to be studying, and practicing your dancing and getting ready for the masked ball tonight."

She stood there thinking about what to say to her aunt. She walked over to the meer and looked at her self she was glad to be a princess. She loved to wear the gowns, the shoes, the dresses and the crowns, but she also loved the feeling of the wind on her face and how it wipped threw her hair. She had gotten so used to the jewlery she had to wear that she didnt even feel it hit against her skin when she ran. There she was standing there in her cyan blue sports bra, and her black leggangs that had been see through in a triangle shape from her upper thigh to her ankel. She felt just a little normal for once.

"Elora did u do ur studying and dancing?" She heard her aunt say as she was dragged back to reality.

"Yes aunt oliva my studying is done as well as my dancing."

" did you choose your dress and mask for the ball tonight?"

" no aunt olivia i will do it now."

"Ill tel you what girl if i catch you runnign one more time before i get can get you the propper runing cloths for a princess i will have your head. do you understand me."

"Really thank you so much aunt olivia." She ran and gave her aunt a hug.

" ah ah ah there is a catch tho"

"ughh okay what is it"

"you must dance with at least one boy tonight"

" But aunt...."

"Thats final now go get  ready for that ball and dance with a boy or you can say goodbye to those running cloths " her aunt olivia said as she turned and left eloras room letting the doors shut behind her.

Elora threw her self onto the bed and thought about the ball and realized she didnt have a dress and she would have to call the royal dress maker.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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