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Lucas' POV

So much for this movie being Y/N's favourite, I chuckled lightly to myself as I gently brushed a stray strand of hair out of Y/N's eyes as she fell into deep slumber moments after her statement.

Her head coincidentally tilted towards my chest, the weight of her head feeling just right on me, almost like a puzzle piece. I wanted to pause the movie to avoid waking her up, and risk the displacement of her serene expression. 

She felt like a baby, and occassionally sprouted out tiny, wheezing noises while I resist the urge to record her, only to tease her about her weird sleeping noises later. 

That moment felt so tranquil, and as my mind drifted off to what the boys are doing with their respective breaks, I couldn't help but grin at the perfect way mine had panned out. I could stare at her all day long, with the accompanying  background noise of the ongoing movie and my steady heartbeat.

And that was what I would've done, if not thwarted by the noisy entrance of Y/N's flatmate. I heard a fumbling of keys, then the click as a dainty girl stepped out of her heeled boots. She staggered a bit at the entrance, then trailed her eyes towards the mess we made in the living room.

"Yah Y/N-ah, you little pi-" Y/N's friend's tone was venomous initially, but as soon as she registered my presence next to an unconscious Y/N, she let out a surprised squeak and dropped her handbag.

"You-" She began with evident shock, before I pacified her to avoid waking Y/N. 

"Shhh...." I motioned to her with with my index finger over my lips, and flicked my gaze towards the kitchen. As much as I would hate to leave Y/N, I was raised a polite boy, and knew that I had to greet Y/F/N if I were to pursue Y/N.

"You're Y/F/N, right? Y/N had mentioned you to me a few times now." I gave her an acknowledging nod as I trail behind her towards the kitchen.  

Y/F/N nodded quite composedly, muttering to herself: "Bloody hell..." as she eyed me up and down my entire body, "you're taller than you look on TV."

I grinned, happy that Y/F/N isn't one of those manic sasaengs that never failed to perturb me. She had a general, laid-back demeanor, as if nothing in the world could faze her even though she must've been about 5 heads shorter than me.

"Where's the rest of you?" Y/F/N leaned closer on the counter separating me and her and whispered, presumably not wanting to wake Y/N up as well.

"It's just me today, Y/N invited me over today because I'm on my break." I elucidated and almost breathed out a sigh of relief when I found out that it's not me that Y/F/N is particularly interested in.

"Well well well, that's interesting, because just a few days ago, Y/N was bawling her eyes out over you. I see that you guys have settled your differences." Y/F/N arched her eyebrows at me knowingly, as if in on some inside joke.

"What do you mean, bawling her eyes out at me?" I furrowed my eyebrows, confused because I couldn't recall any moments when I've made her sad. That thought itself wrenched my heart.

"Aren't you guys.... together now?" Y/F/N whispered as she pointed at Y/N's haunced figure layers of blankets, and back at me. 

"We're just friends, you see." I patiently explained this to her hopeful flatmate, who rolled her eyes to the sky as she hears this.
"Oh my Lord, Y/N probably proposed for you guys to be friends, right? This child...." Her gaze rested for a few seconds on me, then gestured me to sit down on the tall stool behind the counter, her face typical that of people with serious goss to spill.

"Sit your ass down, Lucas. You have no idea, do you?" Y/F/N looks at me with enough concern to make me consider if she knew something poignant that I didn't, like that I've maybe acquired prostate cancer.

"What are you on about?" I hissed back, both excited for the tea yet worried about Y/N's privacy being violated. I looked behind my back periodically to check if Y/N is still blissfully asleep.

"My friend is an extremely sentient, altruistic person, as you could probably infer," Y/F/N began and I nodded softly, prompting her to continue.

"But sometimes that's the downside of her. Her heart is so pure that she's willing to let herself suffer than see others go through hardship. What do you think she's doing to you now, huh? She's been through something similar, and knows enough to not cause any disruption between you and your dreams. She-"

"She's cried over you for nights, alone in a room as she muffles the sound of her sobs. I could hear them, Lucas, even with my doors closed." She gives me a lethal look and I felt myself shrudder internally. This woman is no joke, not doubt some kind of femme fatale that would ultimately cause the distress of any male being within a ten mile radius.

"And you know what I thought to myself, Lucas," Y/F/N cocked her head a little, before leaning in closer and closer to my face, until we're only a few centimetres apart, "I thought, that if you were the cause of her distress, I would not hesitate the chop off your balls, idol or not."

I was just about to retort back with something smarmy, but a faint familiar voice interrupted our "intimate" moment.

"Uhh, guys?" We looked up simultaneously to find Y/N with bed hair and a perplexed look on her face.

Y/F/N almost jumped at the sight of her, giving her a quick hug goodnight as she slips past into her bedroom, very much the antithesis of her previous killer mode. 

"Xuxi, I-" Y/N looked extremely guilty, and just by the complicated look on her face, I knew that she's probably heard a good part of our conversation.

"Yeah, we need to talk. In private."

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