part 14

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U:no,people will make horrible rumors again and i want to be alone right now. 

JB:your not alone,joe is with you.

PM:justin,she wants to think. He just nod i stood up and hugged pattie 

U:bye pattie,bye justin. He stood up

JB:i'll walk you to your car. We went to my car and he opened my door for me. 

JB:take care. 

U:i'll take good care of jesther. 

JB:no,i meant you. 

U:ohh,aight. Joe drove away 

Joe:where are we going? 

U:mall please? He nod we went to the mall and the security guided me since joe had to park the car. I went to some stores,people were starring at me so i just went to Starbucks and drank coffee with jesther. (he didn't drink coffee,of course) There were some paparazzi,fans and of course the haters. 

I heard one say

Hater:Look at that loser,she taught justin really loved her *laughs*. 

Hater2: yeah,and they had a baby?  It's probably not justin's baby.what a slut. I couldn't help anymore i stood up and went infront of them

U:excuse me,i'm the loser? have you ever talked,hugged or touched justin? No! Do people know you? No..but it's okay if you girls Think that i'm a loser.because i know i'll alway's be ontop of you! I carried jesther then walked away. I called joe to pick me up. The guards guided me out then opened the door for me,i smiled at them. I got in 

Joe:to your house? I shook no. 

U:cemetery please. He nod we went to the cemetery and i went to drew's grave. I started crying then someone offered me a hanky. I got the hanky from the person and used it.i knew who it was.

U:justin,what are you doing here? 

JB:how'd you know it was me? 

U:i know your scent. I returned the hanky to him. 

JB:i was just visitting drew,you should be at home resting. 

U:i'm going on tour tomorrow. I want to visit drew one last time. He looked down. 

JB:kaydee's pregnant. I was shocked and upset

U:please leave. He looked at me


U:fine. I went back in the car and told joe to bring  me home. We arrived at my house.i went in and my family were having dinner. 

YD:esther,come let's eat. I put down jesther then sat beside them

YM:so..what happened? I looked down. 

U:i don't want to talk about it. 

YD:okay,tour tomorrow. 


---------after dinner-------------

I went to my room and cried jesther sat on my lap. I hugged him.i heard a knock 

U:come in.  My dad came in

YD:hey,wanna talk? I nod he sat beside me

YD:so where did you go after justin's house? 

U:mall...then cemetery. 

YD:you visited drew? 

U:yeah,justin was also there. 

Justin Bieber can't car drift?! esther's here to help! a jb love storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt