Chapter 1 | PREVIEW

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The siren sounded throughout the middle school, filled with pre-teens and teenagers alike. Almost immediately, they flocked out of their classes towards the gates. 

Some relieved; some nonchalant; some drained, thinking about home and some stressed for the upcoming finals and entry exams. Namely, the third years prepping for their future high schools.

A pair walked out of the building. The blond one stared at the gate, ignoring his friend's incoherent mumbles. He wasn't annoyed, rather worried about whether or not he was mental.

"I'm not mental," his friend answered, craning his head up at him -- which he found hilarious. The need to make fun of their height different always had room in his heart.

The blond-haired boy looked down at his friend, mimicking shock rather obviously. "Oh, was I thinking out loud? Sorry." His faux surprise disappeared under a bored expression immediately after. 

"You don't look sorry, Kacchan," said the forest-green haired teen. 

"You got me there," Katsuki answered dryly. 

He clicked his tongue as he slung his bag over his shoulder, "You're always insulting me."

"It's fun," Katsuki shrugged. "What are you mumbling about anyway, Izuku?"

Izuku stayed quiet. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked away from the blond. Not that Katsuki cared for an answer, but it pinched a small nerve. 

Nonetheless, his red eyes were listless and showed no trace of curiosity. They trailed off to the gate once more. "It's about the entrance exams. I know that much, I'm thinking about it as well," he said.

Izuku scoffed, "As if I'd worry about passing it."

"Correction, you're worried about how to pass. Are rather what would be the best way to show off. Am I right?"

Izuku laughed, "Katsuki Bakugou, you know me so well."

"No, you're just an open book," replied Katsuki boredly. They were finally out of the school's gates, leaving Bakugou to turn his attention to his friend. 

"Are we going to be training today?" He asked, already expecting an answer he knew. 

"Hah! Do you need to even ask?" Izuku grinned at him.

Katsuki nodded slowly and briefly. "Fair enough. Even though you're arrogant, you're right." That earned a glare from Izuku, "Not only are we talking about U.A, but we need to get that technique of yours right. But it's just a matter of you getting my instructions right and it will work."

"How are you so good at everything? It annoys me." Izuku clicked his tongue again and flashed a haughty smile at Bakugou. "But I guess it's useful to have you around. A good lackey."

Katsuki adjusted his glasses, deciding to ignore Izuku's comment. "What can I say. I'm just that talented."

"Look who's arrogant now," said Izuku giving Katsuki a look. 

"Still you."

"Four eyes!" Izuku blurted out in a moment of annoyance. 

Katsuki looked at him worriedly, "Izuku, you wear glasses too."

"Kacchan, don't be so technical. I'm trying to insult you," said Izuku, waving his free hand in dismissal then stuffed it into his pocket. "Anyway, you're sleeping over at my house today. We still have a schedule to make for the next few months. Training and all. Remember, we're working on your speed and strength."

"Yes, I'm aware." Bakugou suggested a schedule to begin with, he wanted to sass but decided against directing the conversation elsewhere. "And we're working on your technique and control."

"I'd rather get straight to training today. Mom's working -- not home yet. She said she'll be working late." Izuku's scowl and distant eyes caught Katsuki's attention despite its subtle signs. 

"Are thinking of getting a part-time job soon?" Asked Katsuki, moving his gaze at the passing cars and the signs they passed. Eventually, his eyes trailed towards the beach they were nearing. It was full of trash, but the sea water had never been visible until then.

That was their training ground; the place they cleaned up just recently. 

"Yeah, need some cash to," Midoriya paused but shrugged, "you know."

Katsuki hummed, looking away once more.

"What?" Midoriya raised an eyebrow at the blond. His eyebrows knitted further at his friend's answer.

"What do you mean? I didn't say anything," he said nonchalantly.

"You sure seem like you want to say something!"

"Jeez, you don't need to shout." Katsuki covered his ears.

"Then just tell me what you want to say."

Bakugou sighed. He adjusted his glasses that had slipped down for the umpteenth time that day. And his lips tugged down into a slightly confused frown that matched his knitted eyebrows.

"How do I say this?" He crossed his arms, tilting his head.

Izuku's interest piqued, subconsciously slowing his pace.

Katsuki snapped his fingers and pointed at him, "Do you think you can handle a job with your personality -- I mean, it's terrible."

"What!? You picking a fight with me, four eyes!?" Midoriya exclaimed, veins becoming visible in his raised fist.

To Katsuki, he looked like an angry small child throwing a tantrum. "You really need to work on your insults, Izuku." 

His words only fueled the fire. In the end, Katsuki was on the other end of Izuku's rage -- being held and shook by the collar.

But, again, Katsuki couldn't be bothered by his friend's tantrums -- showing not an ounce of resistance. Nor was he fazed by the constant shaking.

"We're going to be late." Katsuki managed to say as he fixed his crooked glasses.

Izuku loosened his grip and seized his tantrum. His eyebrows raised in realization, "Oh right. Mom's making katsudon tonight."

"Didn't you say Aunt Inko is coming back late?"

"She insisted, you know how mom is." 

Katsuki nodded. That sounded like Aunt Inko. She was always so kind-hearted yet so strong-willed. 

"Alright, let's go!" Izuku grinned, flexing his arm at Katsuki. And with a determined and sureness in his voice he announced: "By the time mom gets home, we'd already be finished and polishing our new moves next!"

Katsuki smiled, mirth rising up into his throat coming out as a chuckle. He followed after Izuku, who had run ahead of him. "Sure, if you can keep up, lacky!"

"Huh!? You're the lackey!" 

What I wanted to say? He thought. I don't think I want to mention anything about that good-for-nothing father who cared less for his family.

No, Katsuki didn't want the mood to go sour, so he bit back his tongue. They had to focus on the U.A exams and pass with flying colours -- no distractions. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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