Chapter 4

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Hey! It's Phoebe. I apparently did good enough last time to continue writing my side of the story! So every even numbered chapter will be written by me.
I woke up the next morning anxious. Today was the first meeting of the book club for the year and the first meeting always makes it, or breaks it for the people who attend. I've gotten way better at making sure we are presentable to the newcomers and today was no exception.

I was up earlier than normal to get my area set up, which consisted of signs with details on it, a table with books on it, and I had to get a speech ready. Book club usually took place in the ninth grade girls cabin after lunch because their gear was always hidden somewhere in their activity area and they'd go straight to their activity after they ate. So no one ever came by except the book club members.

But today we had newbies. So a lot of girls came by here to grab their stuff and if anyone else was interested, they'd come here and decide whether they wanted to give up an activity or join the book club.

Not a lot of people joined the book club.

That day was pretty boring besides the setup. I find a lot of the days here aren't all exciting.

But at last, book club came.

I should probably specify that "after lunch" means "five minutes after" so if you were dedicated you had to walk quickly.

I was in there, sitting down and ignoring the people that came by to grab their stuff. Everyone who was interested and came early was sitting or laying on a bed in front of me.

Of course there were the usuals; most of them were my friends. There was Sam, a perky, shorter girl with dirty blonde curls who loved adventure and was probably ADHD. If anyone was to get drunk and naked at a party, it was her. You would have no clue she loved to read based on how she acts. There's Sophia who was noticeably quieter and reserved but still Sam's best friend. She was taller and had a hint of Cherokee in her skin but she didn't make a huge deal out of it. There's Jonathan, a boy who won't admit he's gay, but totally is. If he isn't he certainly has a very feminine taste. He's shorter too and kind of gothic with black hair and piercing green eyes. That's about it on friends.

There were others there but out of all of them I only recognized my friends and Aiden.


He came! I can't believe it! I can finally talk to him about yesterday. But first I had to make myself talk to the crowd in front of me.

"Hello, everyone! My name is Phoebe, and I'm the leader of the book club. Thank you all for joining me today. Now, here at the book club, obviously, we read books! And every week at the same time, we meet up and discuss the book we elected to read. By election, I mean we vote for the book we want to read next. We'll vote for which book you want to read later. As for meetings we hope to meet mostly in here, but there are certain events that happen in this cabin, so on those days we will meet by the lake."

I talked for a while, telling a few jokes as I went along. A couple were laughed at, to my surprise. Of course only my friends (except Jonathan) laughed at them. I got Aiden a couple times though.

After all the information was out, I asked them to sign their names if they wished to join this year, and if they didn't then they could leave. Aiden, my friends and another girl whom I didn't know yet signed.

Two more members!

I haven't had this many signs since I first started. Everyone else was gone, I needed to say something.

"Alright, guys! Everyone else is gone, so we can vote on the book you guys want to read this we-"

"HELL YEAH!" Sam yelled with a fist in the air. Sophia smiled slightly.

Lufkin Summer Camp: The Year I wasn't thereWhere stories live. Discover now