At the Heart

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     There is a heart in every building, those that are magical or not have a center point that could be the heart of the building.  Magical buildings often have a ward stone in the larger buildings or simple room for the bloodline born into the place.  The older the place the stronger the Heart becomes as it will often represent the common skills of the older family lines that are past down the line with lessons to improve the next generation.  These special building mostly belong to magical families, though there are a few that are not still family bound as the family has moved on or have had long since been forgotten by the daughters' all marrying out of the line as many will believe that the line has died off; even if this is not completely true in the magical sense but that has more to do with children or husbands' forgetting that the wives had to have come from a different family.  

     One such magical building with a true heart is the Castle of Hogwarts, though it is now mostly called the Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the Scottish countryside.  She has learned over her long memory to hide her heart, to hide her primary ward stone, and to hide her feelings from the head of the school along with the Heads of each of the four houses as in the past the others have done more harm than good in the last two hundred years.   Part of her misses the four creators those that build her though they did die long ago she has their paintings and oddly enough she also has their ghosts to keep her company.  Sadly, she has been forced to have the Brownies move many items into her heart; if only, because the different generations have declared it to be dark or forbidden by those that could not use the items, read the books or understand the reason that forced the creation of such items.   Just as those different generations have hidden the truth of those that created her, those stories have become twisted or filled with an unknown or a created problem to cause discord among the newer children that have been brought forth to learn in her halls and classrooms. 

     Outside her walls, a war is being waged against those that now live within her and all of those fighting are hurting her and yet very few seem to care nor do many of them attempt to repair the damage done to her structure.    Those fussy children have gone from fighting with words and laws to using their spells, their very cores to fight physically to kill each other in their disagreement over the smallest differences that are there to create each person as a different being, a separate individual lifeform.  The cost of their fight is the bodies that lay stiffly, cold on the hard, bloody ground; the broken walls, the broken children and those that have lost all sense of life and only scream in the night at the memories of the living war they have brought upon themselves.  In her heart, the ghosts of her four creators watch those fighting on both sides along with those newly dead that she holds tightly within the room as they have no reason to pass on into the next place of call.

     One of the females is floating in place with three other ghosts one other female and a pair of males all of them give the image of well to do or well-born nobles from the dark ages.  "It's true," her voice called to the others attention upon herself.  "That fool thought he was above the law, our Queen and Magica itself."  The icy venom in her voice seemed to chill the very air around the quartet as they watched the real-time destruction of their home after their death.

     "Yes, we can see this Ro," comes the reply from the plumper female, in her soft tones that belie the anger in her own thoughts.   

     "Though, can we afford to help?"  Questions the dark hair male to his companions as his form shivers at the sheer dislike of those so young dying over a children's fight.   He turns to look at the two females for a brief moment in time before he returns his gaze to the mirrors that currently cover the room from the floor to the ceiling to show the many different areas around the four huge main paintings of the interior of the castle.  He sighs out air his no longer truly breaths before possing a possible answer.  "I... At this point, it is possible that the price could be less than the cost of us just watching and waiting."

     All four looked once more at the blood-filled scene on display by the eight foot by eight-foot picture that showed the front lawn of the castle from a high angle to be viewed by those held within the room.  The last member gripped his sword tightly as his mind raged, feeling helpless and unable to help those children tore asunder by the greed encouraged by the few into the many, by those men that wish to play god and control the lives around them to dance to the tune they have designed.  He stares at the carnage outside, listening to his mate speak to their sisters; the wish in his heart is to save them all, but mainly to save their last living descendant that is being used as a discardable weapon by the so-called light side of this war.  

     His dark brown eyes flipped up scene to scene until he notices a slim, blonde female that glanced up to look almost at him as if she could feel his gaze then she smiled in their direction followed by a wink before turning back to her group.  Leaning back in shock he shook his head once to clear his mind as many different facts about that child came to the forefront of his mind in rapid succession.  Her, one of the Lovegood children could bring the boy here; she could easily find her way and lead the others into the heart of their home.  "I know, we can afford the price and we shall pay to fix the mistakes to save the children that are willing to pay the price as well."

     "Ric," comes his partner's soft voice next to his head; almost as one, they turn to each other, their eyes meet showing each other the trust that filled with their eternal love of each to the other in almost speaking looking they know after a moment and  his love nodded, no questions asked; for he could wait to ask once the plan had been spoken then is the time for the devil in the details.

     Breathing deeply for several breaths he centers his focus, he then motions for his sisters to drift closer to them as he begins to outline the facts that he has seen in that young girl's eyes, the feeling of pain, loss, love and her hope to change their world.  The willingness to not just die for those around her but to keep on living, even if she barely survives to complete her part of protecting those that matter to her.  He took the time to plan as he spoke improvising with the others to make a last chance plan, all four willing to help pay with the last of their magic to change the outcome, to give those children a better chance.  Together they spent the night wrapped in love before they begin the plan that will only work if the living will be the ones to begin it then the ghosts that are willing can take over to power the ritual but at a severe price for all of those that will be involved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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