Chapter 1- Internal Crisis

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"Have you got it!?" Susan shouts out from across the room.

She was in the middle of body-slamming a 7-foot robot, which was nothing the other girls weren't used to.

"Got what?"

Eleanor was on the other side of the lab, face inches away from her robot attacker, gauntlets held up defensively to withstand the pressure applied by the goon. She was pinned across a desk with a range of brightly coloured beakers, most of them now smashed from the impact of her body being slammed against the surface by the robot towering over her.

"The serum, dumbass!"

"Huh?" Eleanor manages to briefly turn her head away from her attacker, "I thought that was Ellie's job?"

The girl watches as Susan stands back up, giving her robot victim a couple of violent smashes to its head before making eye contact again with a proud grin.

Susan was always trying to show off. The girl was evidently stronger than the rest of them, which of course allowed her ever-growing ego to flourish proudly when in battle. Sometimes watching her fight was more like watching a performance at the theatre.

"Well, where is she?"

Eleanor watches closely as Susan gracefully hops over the body of her recent defeat,  swiftly making her way over to her before sneaking up behind her robot attacker and knocking it out clean with one quick swipe to the head.

Eleanor released a sharp breath, shoulder's deflating in relief as she watched the robot clumsily collapse beside her in a heap. Although Susan could be annoying, Eleanor was still grateful every time the girl saved her life.

"I thought she was over by you?" Eleanor starts to get up from the table, dusting her knees, "I swear that's where I saw her last?"

"Got it!" A familiar voice sounded from behind the pair.

Turning around with lightning speed, the duo located their friend on the opposite side of the room. She looked scruffy; her suit was dirtied with dust and chemicals from the lab, her blonde ponytail loose and in a scraggly mess. But despite her laughable display, what was more important, was that she holding up the serum they needed in her hand. She held it like a trophy, a wide beam spread on her face.

"You found it!" Eleanor said, a smile growing on her lips too.

"And looks like you had some trouble."

Arms folded, Susan slowly walked over to meet Ellie. Her voice sounded stern, but you could tell she was impressed. She just didn't like showing it. Or showing any real emotion for that matter.

Ellie shrugged. "It was expected." She paused for a moment, taking in Susan's appearance. Even though she had taken down the bots effortlessly, Susan still had slight rips and dirtied patches on her uniform. "Anyway, I could say the same for you, Susan."

Susan flushed lightly, averting her gaze. "I got the job done, that's all that matters."

"Speaking of the job, now that it's done, can we go home now?" Eleanor moves across the room to join the other girls, making sure to carefully step over robot corpses and upturned tables. They had really turned the room into a complete mess. It was never really a big deal though, only as long as they got the job done.

"Lucky for you, we can!" Ellie confirmed. The girl then carefully attached the vile onto her utility belt, tightening the straps to ensure the liquid was secured. Ellie definitely did not want to risk losing the serum and letting it get into the wrong hands again.

The last time that happened, a group of sinister underground mobsters had intentions to use the serum to kill off someone high up the business chain in order to get back money they'd lost from a blackmail-gone-wrong. Little did they know that the serum not only had the power to kill but was infectious. It contained a powerful virus that would spread rapidly and would have wiped out the human race in under a couple of hours if it wasn't for the girls. Which was why White had sent them out to retrieve the serum in the first place, to make sure they would bring it back to base for Mr Colour to lock up in a secret compartment, keeping it safely out of the reach of danger.

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