Chapter 4 - Tragedy

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        From the death, I opened my eyes wide open gasping for air, my whole body was contracted, and it really hurts me, a lot. It didn’t take milliseconds till someone put an oxygen mask over my lower part of my face, I didn’t care who that was but that made me breathe. Letting the oxygen take control of it all, let it fill my body with it, running through the streams and make me feel fresh and alive. It relaxed my muscles lowering my torso down to the bed.

        But, what was that? A scream, it brought me back..

        My body slowly felt numb as it rested on the bed. I looked around; there were 2 nurses and a doctor. Doing their jobs.

        “I’m fine,” I said as I pulled myself up to get out of here.

        Then one of them pushed me harshly back to the bed.

        I hit her hand away, and that was when I felt her heavy hand catching my shirt and pulled me closer to her face. She looked very angry and annoyed, like her job wasn’t a satisfaction for her.

        “You either behave or we'll torture and make you wish to die.”

        I felt really scared and foolishly shouted and screamed for help.

        Someone instantly entered the room but something unusual happened.

        The nurse who threatened me had her gun out already and shot the person who just entered. I looked at that person who happened to be my colleague.

        “Norman..” I whispered, I was shocked. I quickly hoped down from my bed on my feet but I fell, my body felt so heavy and exhausted.

        “Norman?” I called for him, I can feel his chest going up and down, that means he's still breathing. He was still alive. I quick crawled to him, which took me lots of effort and work; my body was weak and literally very heavy. The steps I was taking was getting shorter, but I was getting closer and closer.

Now I was next to him, I tried hard to sit but managed to do so, and I looked at him, his eyes were close. I saw lots of blood pouring out of his chest; he was shot right next to his heart or at least that’s how I saw it. He was coughing out blood. I put my hand over his wounded chest.

        He instantly opened his eyes and looked at me, for the first I felt embarrassed in front of a guy, I’m usually much self confident than this.

        “You’re alive,” he said and smiled, his smile was of a relief and happiness.

        “Why?? Why does it have to be you?”

        He just smiled. And then he pulled one of his hands and laid it over my right cheek. I suddenly blushed.

        “You’re so beautiful.”

        Those sweet words hit me like a knife; I started crying not looking at him but at his wound. He was bleeding so bad, and losing lots of blood.

        “I may not see you again, I don’t know why but I felt so attached to you all of a sudden moments ago.”

        I looked at him and stopped crying, I can feel his fingers clearing away my tears.

        “So will you give me one thing before I die as a beautiful memory like you?”

        “Don’t say that, you are not going to die!”

        “Kiss me,” he demanded with a soft, low voice still looking at my eyes.

        I didn’t hesitate, but I approached his lips very slowly still looking at it. I don't know why but I don’t regret doing it, I’m sad, tired, exhausted.

        My lips were only inches away from his, and that’s when I felt nervous as my body shivered. The heat rising till the 100 degrees despite my body felt so cold, my fingers were freezing against his blood over his chest as I moved it along way to his face. I was still looking at his lips as he was still looking at mine.

        I closed my eyes and softly touched his lips giving a soft kiss then I went for another one and that’s when I realized his hand fell and his lips relaxed.

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