Touch Me

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Tommy's parents have given up any attempts to cure him and have begun to neglect him. They go on many excursions and begin to leave him questionable family members, Cousin Kevin and Uncle Ernie. Cousin Kevin is sadistic character who has fun torturing Tommy by kicking him down the stairs, nearly drowning him in a bath tub, and dragging him by his hair.

Being blind, deaf and dumb
But I've no-one to play with today
Do you know how to play hide-and-seek?
To find me it would take you a week
But tied to that chair
You won't go anywhere

There's a lot I can do with a freak 

Another questionable family member is Uncle Ernie, who seemingly molests Tommy.

I'm your wicked Uncle Ernie
I'm glad you won't see or hear me
As I fiddle about, fiddle about, fiddle aboutYour mother left me here to mind you
Now I'm doing what I want to
Fiddling about, fiddling about, fiddle about

The film cuts to a scene where Tommy's parents have picked him up from Uncle Ernie's house. He is back at his own house, where he stares at himself in the mirror. He follows a vision of himself to a junkyard, where he also finds a pinball machine. He realizes that through his excellent sense of touch and ability to feel vibrations, he is an excellent pinball player. Tommy is recognized by Frank and the media as a pinball prodigy, which is made even more impressive with his catatonic state. During a championship game, Tommy faces the previous Pinball Wizard, a man with giant shoes, with The Who as the backing band. Nora watches her son's televised victory and celebrates his and her success and luxury, but finds she can't fully enjoy it due to the extremity's of Tommy's condition. 

He's a pinball wizard
There has got to be a twist
A pin ball wizard,
S'got such a supple wristHow do you think he does it? I don't know!
What makes him so good?He ain't got no distractions
Can't hear those buzzers and bells
Don't see lights a flashin'
Plays by sense of smell
Always gets a replay
Never seen him fall
That deaf...

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